Life With A Newborn

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FP Jones

There was now five of you under one roof. Ruby was now five and it felt as if it was only yesterday that she was born. Now, your new baby boy was in the world. Wolf Jones.

"He's so gorgeous Mrs Jones." Betty complimented. It had only been a couple of days since you came home from the hospital.

"You wanna hold him?" You smiled and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Ruby, can Betty hold Wolf?" You asked her. The thing was, even though it was still new to her, being a big sister and all, she was so protective.

"No." She pouted, keeping her eye on her little brother. Of course there was a pillow there to support his head, and everyone was in the room.

"It's okay, she just wants to look after him." Betty chuckled.

"Life with a newborn is easy with Ruby around." FP joked.

"She's such a good sister to him already." Jughead admitted.

"I sure am." Ruby grinned, placing a kiss to Wolfs head.

Jughead Jones

"Oh buddy, it's okay." Jughead rocked his newborn son in his arms. It was the fourth time in an hour that he had gotten himself worked up.

"Mommy?" A little voice from your door spoke.

"Arrow honey? Are you okay?" You asked, trying to rub the tiredness from your eyes.

"I heard Blaze crying." He walked over to you.

"He's just tired baby, I'm sorry he woke you up again." You felt bad because Arrow wasn't used to it quiet yet, and neither were you or Jughead.

"It's okay, I love him." He smiled, hopping up into your bed.

"Give him his paci daddy." Arrow instructed, noticing it had fallen out.

"You're such a good big brother Arrow." You cuddled him.

"Can I sleep in here tonight? With you, daddy and bubba?" Arrow asked.

"Of course." And it was as if Blaze was comforted by the thought of Arrow being right next to him because he didn't cry for the rest of the night.

Sweet Pea

It was four in the morning, and the whole house was awake.

"Roman, can you please calm down?" You asked your son who was practically bouncing off of the walls.

"Aurora stop throwing your toys at him." You sighed. Sweet Pea was just as sleep deprived as you were. It wasn't any easier with a newborn though. Your baby girl was clung to you but it was a blessing.

"Kids enough." Sweet Pea spoke strictly.

"Here's her bottle babe." Pea handed you the milk and you began feeding her.

"We have to be quiet Ro, mummy's feeding sissy." Aurora shushed her brother.

"We knew this wouldn't be easy babe." You leant your head on Sweet Pea's shoulder.

"I wouldn't have it any other way Y/N. Layla has turned us into a family of five and it's the best feeling."

Fangs Fogarty

It was the first family outing since your twin baby girls had been born. Fangs was still the only man of the house but he loved it.

"Sky, hold onto daddy's hand." You instructed, while pushing the twin stroller. It had been a month since you had given birth to River and Fern, but because they were born slightly early, they had to stay in the hospital for a while.

"Three daughters huh Y/N? You sure are blessed." Pop Tate smiled.

"Of course." You smiled. Fangs and Skylar got their usual, whereas you just went with a simple milkshake.

"I could get used to this." Sky smirked, scoffing away on her fries.

"Life is great." Fangs admitted.

"You won't be saying that when they both start crying." You chuckled.

"Yeah I will, this is my dream Y/N, even if all we produce are daughters." He laughed.

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