Chapter 21: I Love You

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"Look, it's Mommy." Ash said pointing at the computer screen in front of her so Arianna would look at it. "Say, hi Mommy." Ash took Ari's small hand into hers and waved at the screen. "Hi, Mommy." She said in a high pitched voice.

"Hi, baby." JJ said releasing a chuckle at her wife's attempt to sound like a child. "It's so good to see you. I hope you aren't causing Mama too much trouble." The blonde said with a smirk causing the redhead to roll her eyes.

A few weeks after Aria had been born everyone had managed to come to the conclusion that the little one seemed to favor the blonde over the redhead. Initially, Ash had been upset considering she was the one who had to carry the child for nine months (which was her choice but that was besides the point) and then she had to suffer through eighteen hours of labor to bring their daughter into the world. She had come to terms with it soon after and let JJ dote after Ari the most since she had stolen Henry from the blonde.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. She's actually been an angel and Henry's been a big help. He was with her this morning. Apparently, she started crying early this morning and he decided to calm her down since I haven't got a lot of sleep in the past few days. It was so cute."

"I wish I could've been there to see it." JJ said with a small frown. She felt bad that Ash was at home taking care of Ari by herself when Henry wasn't home. Ash's parents couldn't come down to help since they just had another set of twins join the family and JJ's mom was taking care of some things at the house so she wasn't able to come help with her granddaughter. "Where is Henry anyway? He should've been home from school a while ago."

"Jessica took him and Jack out for ice cream. Jack got the high score on his math test and Henry got the high score on his spelling test; 99%. Thought it would be good for the two little geniuses to go out in celebration together. He should be home in about twenty minutes. But on to another topic, how's the case going?"

"Not good." Ash raised her eyebrow in response silently requesting the blonde to explain. It took about an hour for JJ to explain the case to her wife in detail that included all the leads that ended up being dead ends, the MO, the victims, and the preliminary profile that they've put together. They sat there for an additional twenty minutes when Ash started to bounce some theories of her own off the blonde before Emily came into view of the screen.

"Hey, Em." The redhead threw a smile the older woman's way.

"Hey, Ash. I'm sorry to disrupt you guys but another body has just been found."

The blonde woman released a sigh and closed her eyes in frustration. She knew that Ash would understand her having to go, but that didn't mean that she, herself, was Okay with it. They had been working this case for a little over a week and this was the first time in that frame that JJ had been able to talk to her wife. She thought they could get at least an hour or two to themselves before Ash had to put Aria down for her nap and help Henry with his homework, if he hadn't got it finished already. But, apparently, criminals never sleep.

She looked up at the redhead with disappointment in her eyes but Ash waved it off with a small smile. "It's fine, sweetheart. Go save some lives and catch this son of a bitch."

"I love you."

"I love you too, JJ."

• • •

It was a late (but not too late) Saturday night when Ash decided that she was going to head to the office to check on Garcia and see how she was doing. The team still hadn't come back yet and she wasn't sure if they had made any headway with the information she had given JJ but she knew it wouldn't be too much longer before they came back. They did have other cases to solve after all. Besides she figured a visit from her god-kids would do Garcia some good.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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