july 3, 2010

346 6 1

Craziest summer ever. Usually when teenagers say this phrase, they mean it in a good way. I'm going insane. My own thoughts are what is going to put me into grave. Everyday I wake up at 3 a.m. exactly because of nightmares. I cannot eat. I haven't eaten in 3 days now. I was hoping I'd starve to death. Crazy, right? I'd rather die than be chased by....I can't even say his name. He's listening. He's sitting at the back of my shoulder looking at me typing this. I can feel his breath on my neck. Am I having another nightmare? I am questioning if I am actually typing this. He whispers to me. "Come...." The thumping is getting stonger and stronger. Louder and louder. Thump, thump, thump. It plays continuiously in my head like a catchy pop song. Hah, it's definately not as jolly as a pop song.

Yesterday, I was grabbed. I felt hands choking me. I could not move nor could I get away. All I could do is sit in my chair and be choked. So I sat....and sat....and sat. I woke up on the chair with him whispering to me. "Come..." And then the thumping began. Thump, thump, thump.


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