june 15, 2010

376 4 0

One more day until the end of school. I can't believe it. I don't know if I'm sad or happy. I'm just excited. I already picked out my outfit and everything. My mom is coming to the graduation. I am about to be a highschool girl. Just 4 more years until college. Not sure if it is necessary to call that "freedom" yet, though. Me, Stan, John, and Ryan spoke for hours on Skype yesterday. Ryan is going away to his old school and Stan lives in a different district so he is going to Flare High School. At least John is going to Woodredge High School with me. But I must admit, these are the people I am going to miss the most, even though I probably talked to them on Skype more than real life. I guess that means we always have a way to keep in touch.


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