Chapter 1

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Beca's P.O.V

      I walk into school and off the bat people call my name out. I ignore them all because I know all they want is sex. Sex is cool and I'm not gonna just walk into school and fuck a stranger. I have some respect for myself Jesus. It might not seem like it but I do. The reason I sleep around so much is actually for a reason I've never told anyone, even my best friend Chloe. Its really embarrassing I feel like, so I chose not to tell anyone.

      it's because I was sexually assaulted. I think. I'm not even sure if it counts.  It was freshman year (2 years ago). it was this kid I was talking to at the time. we were hanging out and idk he was kinda forcing himself on me. I won't go into detail because it brings me back to a bad time in my life, It just made me feel so.... I don't even know. I just felt so worthless. I know my friends noticed, especially Chloe, but I didn't have the balls to tell her, plus I didn't like to even think about it. I shut everyone out for a while, thats just how I copped with it.  To this day I still try not to think about it. So thats why I sleep around, because theres a part of me thats still broken and deep down as much as I try to deny it, I feel like if I have enough sex, I'll forget about it. 

     anyways its Friday and its Jesse's birthday, or it was yesterday, so he's having a party. Jesse, Chloe and I have been best friends since we were like babies and my step sister Emily. she's half a year younger than us, but 1 grades below us. theres a few other members in our 'pack'. Theres also Stacie, Aubrey, Benji, and Fat Amy. Stacie and Fat Amy I met in 4th grade and just hit it off instantly. Benji is Jesses best friend. He's like my Chloe to Jesse. We met Aubrey half way through 6th grade when she came to  and off the bat we all hated her. We got to know her know and now we all obviously like her. Last year her and Jesse actually started dating. In my opinion they're really good together.

       Back to the party, Jesse's a pretty popular dude, so there definitely gonna be a lot of people there. The party is at his house. Jesse's house is pretty huge, so he has parties a lot. Chloe and I have big houses too I guess because we live in the same neighborhood, but Jesse's house is like incomparable to our houses. Both his parents are dentist. His parties are usually outside. They usually have a dj, it gets catered, He has a giant pool with a slide, a hot tub, a trampoline, theres a dance floor and then inside theres a game room. nobody really goes inside tho. His parents aren't gonna be home either. They trust him enough not to do anything stupid.  Jesse's a really good kid. He gets good grades and follows the rules. I'm usually the one to break the rules and do stupid stuff. If it wasn't for Jesse, I probably would have gotten myself killed. Anyways, I walk to my first block class and sit down next to stacie.

Chloe's P.O.V

I've literally had the worst day ever! I'm not even exaggerating like I will say I'm very emotional and dramatic, but today sucked even if I was emotionally stable. I was driving to school and my car broke down like 2 miles from the school. MY CAR. that I bought with MY MONEY. So my dad came and picked me and brought me to school, which I was late for but like whatever I'm late everyday. Then I go through my classes and they're boring and dub but what else is new. I get to 3rd class and theres a test that I completely forgot about. Failed that. I go to lunch and some kid throws a container of ranch dressing at my back. Like the fuck. Thank god beca had a hoodie in her locker that she let me borrow. The whole day I was just in a sad, pissy mood. but whatever I got through it and now its the weekend. Beca's giving me a ride since I don't have a car. I'm gonna go home and shower but I'll probably got back to her house after to get ready for Jesse's Party. 

I meet up with Beca in the hallway.

"Hi Chlo" Beca greets me. "How was your day."

"Shitty" I respond 

"Why" she asks in concern. I explain everything as we walk to her car.

"Aww I'm sorry Chlo that sucks. Want to stop for coffee or food or something. My treat." This is why Beca is my best friend. She always knows how to make me feel better. 

"No Bec its fine w-"

"No I insist. I wanted a coffee anyways." 

"This is why I love you Beca. Thank you" I saw with a smile

"anything for you Chlo. love you too."

We get into our neighborhood and right before we get to my house I realize I gave my keys to my dad who's at work. Great.

"Fuck" I mumble

"Whats wrong"

"My dad has y keys so I'm locked out of my house."

"You can come to my house"

"Ya but I need to shower and get ready for Jesse's party."

"Chloe its fine its not like we just met 5 minutes ago. Shower at my place."

"Okay. I'll make it quick."

"Its fine take your time. You've had a long day."

"Thanks Beca."

"No problem" 

"Can I also borrow some clothes."

"Of course." 


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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