Perhaps we both overreacted. All couples bicker, don't they? It's only a quick stage, something we'll move past. Already this morning, Harry's texted me a sincere apology. I'm too furious to reply, if course, but if he's already over it, it can't be that serious.

As the ride comes to a stop, I jerk my eyes open. Hallie's breathless and laughing, her brown locks windblown and face flushed. I sway unsteadily and tuck my left hand into my pocket. As we exit Space Mountain, I fiddle apprehensively with my finger, where the engagement ring I returned to Harry this morning belongs.


"Zayn, I feel terrible. I can't do this," I whimper as the Tower of Terror slowly rises up. Blinding sunlight whizzes through the cracks, making me even more aware of the height.

"Are you going to throw up?" he questions, concerned.

"Not that," I answer with a shake of my head, although I do feel slightly queasy. "Ara!" I picture her delighted grin as we strolled into the park and wince. "I can't sabotage her anymore."

He sucks in a breath. "Hallie, we already discussed this. And--" He gasps as we begin a terrifying fall and I scream until my throat is raw. "It's the--" We drop a few feet then begin to hover back up. "Right thing to do," he finishes.

"I... I don't know," I respond apprehensively. Sitting with Ar on Space Mountain today as she clutched my hand, like a tiny child getting a shot, reminded me of how innocent she really is. She may not be perfect, but can I bring myself to destroy her relationship?

We shoot down a few more times until I'm panting, biting my lip in terror. This ride really lives up to its name. My stomach burbles unhappily as we stagger off the ride.

"I need to think about it," I explain and he grimaces.

"Okay," he agrees, gazing directly into my eyes. "I understand. But tell me immediately when you make up your mind."

I nod my consent as we climb off the ride, strolling out into the sun. It's a gorgeous day for Disney: the bright sun beats down on my pink-tinged shoulders, the sky a brilliant, cloudless blue. Other than Louis and El, who snuck off to enjoy some 'couple time', the entire group has stuck together. Minus Harry, that is. I beam brightly at Ara to avoid her getting suspicious, waving. Life is difficult enough without Ar interrogating me.

"Aye, you guys!" Niall's adorable Irish accent rings out as he wriggles enthusiastically, pointing towards a booth. "They sell food!"

"I'm starving!" I announce, trailing behind. I'm in desperate need of space to breathe and consider the SHW (Stop Harabella's Wedding) plan.

Our primary goal: To keep the wedding from happening, at any costs. If possible: break Harry and Arabella up, since we've already decided they're not meant for each other. Bonus: along the way, have Harry realize that he and I are soul mates and live happily ever after.

"Hallie!" Ar clings to my arm as we stride towards the food booth. "I wanted to come as well." She offers me a pretty smile and brushes a lock of blonde hair over her shoulder.

So much for room to think. "Great." I muster all my enthusiasm to flash a grin in her direction.

By the time we reach Niall, he's already ordered an extra large fries, a Coca Cola, and two Mighty Mickey burgers. "Do you want anything?"

"Um, I'll have a small fries bucket and a Dr. Pepper." The burger looks delish but my stomach is still twisting and churning from the ride.

"Just a small Diet Coke for me," commands Ar.

Speedily, the man prepares our order, sliding it onto a metal rack as he finishes. Niall collects his meal and chomps down on the massive burger, ignoring the ketchup that leaks from the side and drips onto the pavement. I snatch up my soda just as Ar reaches up to grab hers and that's when I notice: she isn't wearing the ring.

Instinctively, I grasp her arm, yanking her towards me. "What are you doing?" she hisses, glaring at me.

"Excuse us, Niall. Girl talk," I say sweetly. He raises his eyebrows nervously and scurries away. I face her, planting my hands on my hips. "Where's your ring?" I'm hopelessly expecting an 'I didn't want to risk wearing it here, it's at the hotel!'

Instead, she glances anxiously around and folds her arms over her chest. "I gave it back to Harry," she whispers.

The second I absorb her words, my heart swells, but I attempt to stay expressionless. "Why?"

She grins devilishly and, inch by inch, my heart deflates. Oh no. "Well, as he's already proposed, we wanted to make it more public. So... tonight at our live radio interview, he's going to kneel down and propose, in front of everyone."

I gasp, my nails biting into my palms as I clench my hands into fists. "But... why?"

I'm already predicting her answer as it bubbles from her lips. "Because I want to get the news out. What better way to get recognized than an on-air proposal?"

"Brilliant," I reply bluntly. More like she wants to be the center of attention, which she always manages to be. As she chatters a million miles an hour about the importance of good exposure, I slyly sneak out my iPhone and open my texts.

To: Zayn

Okay, I'll do it. No more backing out. Time to end this wedding.


Let me know what you thought, if you have any ideas, how much you 'love' arabella? :) thanks for reading loves!

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Next chapter is the beginning of SABOTAGE. Hahaha, lots of drama and it's the longest one yet. I'll post once my fan fiction gets to 60 VOTES.


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