"Come on!" Edmund said, impatiently standing by the wardrobe.

"You've got to be joking," Susan said, and Fallon couldn't help but agree with her, and she was about to add something else, but the sound of footsteps outside the door were enough to shut her up.

"Go!" She said instead, pushing Susan in front of her and into the closet.

Fallon turned around, facing Peter's back as they moved backwards.

"My toe!"

"I'm not on your toe!"

"Move back!"

"That's my foot, Pretty Boy!"

"It wasn't me!"

"Will you stop shoving?"

The five voices intertwined into one another, making Fallon's head want to burst as she complained along with them.

Suddenly, she felt something cold hit the back of her foot, and she started slipping. Without thinking, she grabbed onto the first thing she could find, accidentally taking it down with her.

"Fallon!" Peter shouted, going to roll off from his position on top of the girl.

Once he stood up, he offered her his hand, and she looked at it for a moment before taking it, the blond yanking her off the ground with a little more force than necessary, and Fallon went flying into his chest.

"Careful," he said, catching her as she risked pushing them both down.

Fallon let out a laugh, and Peter's arms lingered around her for a moment longer before letting go of her, watching the brunette as she looked around her with wide eyes.

"Don't worry," Lucy said, and all heads moved towards her. "I'm sure it's just your imagination."

Peter was the first to regain his senses, stammering as he spoke.

"I don't suppose saying we're sorry would quite cover it."

Fallon watched as a smile made its way onto the boy's face, and she glanced around once more, taking it all in.

The snow covering the trees and ground was like a white blanket, small icicles littered the branches the hovered farthest from the ground, sending spiralling patterns shining into the air that seemed to be frozen in time, along with everything else around them.

Fallon hadn't realized she'd zoned out until she felt something cold hit her shoulder, and she jumped, letting out a gasp as she saw the remains of the snow falling off her clothes.

"Why, you little–"

Her words were cut off by another snowball hitting her chest, and she had to fight to keep the smile off her face.

"Oh, you're getting it now," she said, leaning down and grabbing some snow, moulding it into a snowball before chucking it at Lucy, who then threw another at Peter and Susan.

Fallon went to gather more snow, not missing once as she threw more snow grenades at the Pevensies, laughing every time Peter would make a face at her for hitting him.

The fun soon came to an end, though, when Susan threw Edmund a snow ball, hitting his upper arm.

"Ow!" The boy exclaimed, clutching his shoulder as if he'd just been shot. "Stop it!"

Peter was glaring at his brother, and Fallon couldn't help but be confused as he walked towards him.

"You little liar," Peter said, Edmund looking like a deer in headlights at his words.

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