Llamas or Koala Bears

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Madeline POV:

Sitting and listening to a bunch of people talking while you feel alone isn't really fun if you think about it.

Yet, somehow, I found myself in that situation.

Earlier today, Victoria told me she was going to have everyone over for dinner. She has been letting me stay with her at her new apartment that she got when I was gone. I didn't really feel like staying at the place that Jesse tried to kill me, at least, not yet. I mean, if I never stay there, it would be a waste of money to have it, and I can't just sell it.

Well, Victoria thinks it's funny whenever I try to explain to her why I'm staying with her in the first place. I guess it takes a good look at death to get you to understand, huh?

Thought so.

When she decided to tell me about the dinner, even though she didn't exactly tell me when she planned the dang thing, let's just say we need to buy a new lampshade for her side-table. Not exactly one of the best moments in my life.

We got in a fight about how Austin was coming, and how she didn't tell me, and how a best friend wouldn't invite an ex that I was secretly crushing on, etc. I'm starting to think she doesn't think that I can handle my own love life. I mean, why is she even having the dinner anyways?

As the day went on, I started thinking about how I could talk to Austin. I had a feeling that Victoria would try to get us to talk with each other anyways, so since this was my love life, I'm going to talk to Austin by myself. On my own time.


I sighed. This dinner is going to make me go insane. And the worst part of it- I know it's happening.

Anyways, the dinner is boring. Well, for me, anyways. It turns out everyone is here. And by everyone I mean, Jacob, Paris, Chris, a girl Chris brought, Alex, Justin, Jessica, and Austin.

Yes, Austin is here.

And yes, I haven't talked to him yet. Even if I have been planning and strategizing about what I was going to say to him and all of the possible answers I would probably get, I still haven't talked to him yet.

Hopefully Tori doesn't notice.

I've been looking at him for the past 30 minutes. I swear he has gotten hotter than the last time I saw him. His hair is its own being, wild and wavy, but at the same time, it is as calm as the sea. His eyes are still the same green orbs I remember, but they don't look as bright as they used to. He's more toned, too. He's wearing a tight blue shirt that showcases his muscles perfectly.

He's the type of guy that doesn't look like he cares and he still looks good. We all know looks can be deceiving, though. Austin really does care about how people see him. He cares.

I cracked a small smile, watching as he was in a heated discussion with Jacob. The two turned out to be pretty good friends, I guess. Paris was watching the two as I was, but she was right next to Jacob, who was next to Austin, while I was at the opposite end of the table.

I'm making myself sound like a stalker.

Stuck in my own thoughts, I didn't notice right away when Austin locked eyes with me. And when I did, I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, and looked down.

How embarrassing! He probably thinks I'm a stalker!

My heart was pounding, and it felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I really missed that feeling.

Stella (the girl Chris brought over), Paris, Jessica, and Victoria, decided to pull me out of my train of thought, and into a debate on if Llamas or Koala Bears are cuter.

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