Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

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You groaned as you wrote your last answer on your math exam, then a quiet sigh of relief escaped your mouth. 

'Finally, summer will now begin.' You thought happily to yourself. More time with your boyfriend and friends. You handed your test to your teacher, then played on your phone until class ended. 

While walking home, you were listening to music, but then you suddenly felt someone grab your arm. You immediately ripped your earbud out and turned around. A creepy man with a breath that reeked of alcohol was grinning creepily at you. 

"Hey there pretty lady, wanna have a good time?" He was inching closer to you. You tried with all of your might to pull away, but his grip was just too strong. He was twice the size of you. Your noodle arms just weren't strong enough. 

But then, suddenly, his hand was ripped away from your arm, and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Your boyfriend was hovering over him, wings out, and the man looked terrified. 

"Either I must've had too much to drink, or this man's got wings!" He slurred. 

"Both. Leave my girlfriend alone, or I'll fuck you up, punk." Urushihara glared down at the man, clenching his fists. 

The man ran off, tripping a little on the way. 

Urushihara turned to you, and helped you stand up. You were still shaking, and you had put your earbuds and phone away. 

"Thanks, Urushihara..." You muttered. You didn't like him seeing you so vulnerable still, you felt shy. 

"No problem. I'm taking you home now, though. I'm hungry." He took your bag from you and slung it over his shoulder, then scooped you up bridal style. 

You suddenly felt a rush of air, and you saw that you were above the city. Urushihara flew at a steady pace, holding you closely in his arms. You looked up at him in awe. You knew he was a fallen angel, but you hadn't known the full story. You wanted to know everything. But right now, all you could do was stare. His black wings had a slight shimmer underneath the sunlight, and his amethyst eyes had a sparkle. You smiled a little bit. 

"Why are you staring so much? It's weird..." He had a dust of pink on his cheeks. You giggled slightly. 

"You're just mesmerizing." 

~Time skip~ 

"You left the door unlocked?!" You were worried. Someone could've broken in for crying out loud. 

"I was in a hurry! On the tracking device, you had randomly stopped near an alley!" He huffed a little, feeling a little unappreciated. You could tell by the sadness that had crawled onto his face. 

"I know, I know, but still, next time, please lock it... I don't want my anime figures stolen..." You said as you opened the door. Urushihara rolled his eyes a little, but also grinning. 

"Can we eat now? I'm starved." He flopped down on the couch, turning on Netflix and trying to find a show. Nothing peaked his interest. 

"Sure. I'll make spaghetti tonight, is that okay?" You were walking into the kitchen, and grabbing the supplies. 

"I don't really care. I'm just hungry." He yawned a little. 

"Hey, Urushihara, will you please come help me make this?" You were pouring the water into the pot. 

"I just helped you with that creep. I need a break." He mumbled. 

"You can pull up a chair. Please? I missed you today. I want to talk to you." You said as you turned on the oven. 

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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