♡One: Welcome To Maple Park Academy♡

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Birds were so amazing.

They could fly wherever they wanted. Their feathers could be amazing colors. And there were so many different varieties.

You watched as the birds you had accidentally scared away soared high in the sky, wings flapping gracefully. It was getting chilly, and you wondered if these kinds of birds would be migrating soon.

If they were, you'd miss them.

What stood before you was Maple Park Academy. It looked exactly the same as it did in the brochures; castle-style architecture with a modern twist, perfectly lined trees with blossoming flowers, and shining green grass.

You almost felt like you didn't belong here.

"Nervous?" the woman who had driven you out here, Ms. Young, asked kindly.

"A little," you replied sheepishly, squeezing the handle of your luggage carrier. "It looks really big."

Ms. Young laughed, and it sounded like music. "It's easy to get lost," she told you, putting a hand on your arm to lead you towards the entrance of the office.

It was pretty busy in there. There were two people answering phone calls, and a bunch others filling and filing paperwork. You held onto your own folder nervously, looking around.

"Registering a student?" a man asked, coming up to the counter.

"Yes," Ms. Young replied, easing the folder out of your hands and handing it to him. "She's never been here before."

"Ah," the man said, peeking into your papers. "I'll have someone to show her around."

Ms. Young must have caught you fidgeting, because she reached into her purse and pulled out a small lemon hard candy.

"Eat this," she told you. "It'll help calm you down."

You did as you were told. The lemon flavor was delicious, but you didn't feel much different.

"So, (Y/n), where are you transferring from?" the man asked, to try and ease your nerves. He was reading through your documents intently.

"Um, out of town," you answered. "From Rivers."

"John Rivers," Ms. Young explained.

"Public school?" the man asked, and you nodded.

"I've heard John Rivers is pretty tough," he said. "But you've got some good grades."

"She has a good head on her," Ms. Young assured him. She was only vouching for you, but you still felt your chest swell with pride.

"I can tell," the man said. "Do any of your friends go here?"

"No," you said, lowering your head a little. The few friends you'd managed to make last year were cities away, settling into John Rivers School of the Arts.

"Don't worry about it," he comforted. "You seem like a nice girl. You'll make friends soon enough."

You smiled, and he tapped your papers on the desk to straighten them up, slipping them back into the folder.

"Okay, give this folder to your guide when he finishes showing you around," he told you, sliding it, along with your schedule, across the counter.

"Thank you," you said. Ms. Young pat your back, rubbing it a little to soothe you.

"Will you be alright from here?" she asked, checking her watch. She must have a busy schedule.

You were feeling unsure, but you nodded anyways. It wasn't that hard to follow someone around the campus for a while.

"Good," Ms. Young said. "Take care, (Y/n). I'll email your mother that you made it safe and sound."

"Thank you, Ms. Young," you called as she walked off. You didn't want her to leave.

"I finished the emails, Mr. Peters," a boy said to the man who helped you. He must've been a student assistant because he looked about your age. His dark hair was wild but styled, and his skin was a little tan from what you assumed was playing sports.

"Thank you, Jason," Mr. Peters said. "Since you're done, why don't you take (Y/n) for a look around? She's new here."

Jason gave you a smile. "No problemo,"

You followed Jason timidly out of the office and into the main part of campus, where many students were gathered. School didn't start until tomorrow, but today was orientation.

"This is the courtyard," Jason told you, stretching out his arm to sweep over the land. "It's where most people hang out during breaks. If they're not locked in their dorm, I mean."

You nodded, making a mental map of the courtyard.

"Over there is the dining hall," he went on, pointing to a building to the left, "there is the health office, and back around that way are the gym and the courts."

You could already feel yourself getting confused.

"On the right is the theater, and then if you follow the path you'll get to the living area. Follow me."

Before you even had time to ask him to repeat himself, Jason started walking. You took one last look at the courtyard to try and remember it to your best ability, and then quickly hurried after your guide.

Following the path took you to a large circular area behind the theater and some classrooms. The dorms were straight ahead, and there were small shops to either side; a store selling school merchandise and equipment, a ticket vendor probably used for when there were events, a textbook room, and a coffee shop. You couldn't help but look at it all in awe.

"Your dorm room should be printed on your schedule," Jason said. "All the rooms are unlocked now because of orientation, but you'll have to get your keycard by bedtime."

"Where do I get it?" you asked, watching a group of girls walk out from the coffee shop with drinks and sweets. They were all smiling and talking, and you longed to be one of them.

"Ask the desk lady in the dorms," Jason assured you. "Just show her your schedule so she knows your ID number and name."

You nodded, ducking your head when the girls came over to wave at Jason. You felt like everybody at this school already knew each other except you.

"One more thing," Jason said, and you were surprised the tour was up so fast. "I know all the teachers tell you that you'll make friends right away, but they're just being nice. It takes a while to get to know people, so if you ever see me and need some company just come over. Okay?"

You were surprised by his offer. Had he noticed how lonely you felt?

"Thank you," you said, turning a little pink. You remembered what Mr. Peters told you, and you handed your folder to Jason, making sure to keep your schedule.

Jason waved, about to walk off, when he stopped and looked like he just remembered something.

"The library is just off from the courtyard," he said. "If you keep walking, you'll see all the classrooms. Good luck, (Y/n)!"

"Thank you!" you called again, and this time he walked away for good. You stood there by yourself for a moment, contemplating what to do, before deciding you were going to look around a little.

It turned out Ms. Young was right about Maple Park Academy.

It was incredibly easy to get lost.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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