The Walking Dead Form and Oc

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This is the show not the telltale game, I've seen up to season 8. Crush can't be Daryl or Carl



Name: Missy Dixion
Age: same as Carl depending on scenario or time
Personality: kind, caring, strong, can be clingy with her dad when she's young. She also can have an attitude like her father
Messy short dark brown hair with blue eyes. She's pretty dirty and wears tangtops and jean pants with boots. She has freckles and dimples
Family: her dad is daryl, mom is an oc of mine and she has Merle as her uncle
Likes: her parents, fighting, helping, coloring, her uncle, knifes, crossbows
Dislikes: jerks, walkers, being afraid, people bitten, thought of being bitten
Weapons: a bow and arrow, gun and knife
Crush: Carl
Backstory: she always grew up at home, never went to school since her parents couldn't afford it. She always grew up like that and never really could help it, when the apocalypse happened her family packed the jeep up and her dad took the bike and they met with shane, Lori and Carl. Lori being the bitch she was didn't like Missy because she was so dirty and didn't let carl or Sophia near her so she stayed away from them
Group: rick and everyone
Other: she likes to carve wood and has been carving a cut down tree stump by their little camp

Name: Liliana Dixion(took his last name)
Age: 35
Personality: strong, independent, can be very rude and mean when messing with her kid or her husband
Brown hair and blue eyes, she has tan skin and freckles too. She wears mostly flannel shirts and jeans with combat boots and has quite the figure
Likes: daryl, her daughter, merle, hunting, food, doing her daughters hair, being with them
Dislikes: walkers, the risk of Missy or Daryl being Bitten, lori, people judging her kid
Weapons: a crossbow and knife
Crush: Daryl(he's her husband)
Family: Daryl is her husband, Merle is her brother in law, Missy is her daughter
Backstory: ever since she laid eyes on Daryl she's loved him. She finally asked him out which he agreed and been together ever since. They soon got married which was two rings on their fingers and tattoos of each others names. Getting pregnant was really tough and rough on her since she had a lot of miscarriages but powered through it and soon had Missy and she was so excited. When missy came along she was very small and delicate. Liliana kept Missy home and taught Missy what to know and what was important. Liliana and Daryl soon got matching crossbows and began to learn to shoot it. Then shit hit the fan and they had to leave. They soon ran into Shane, lori, carl, sophia, caorl and her husband and joined along on their group. That was until Lori began to talk shit on her kid so she got super pissed and it causes them to fight way to much. It wasn't missy's fault they couldn't afford an education. And it pisses her off the most seeing that Lori doesn't let Missy play with Carl and Sophia which Missy likes to watch from their tents away from the group
Group: rick and everyone
Other: Liliana is a redneck like Daryl

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