[Forgetting you] Chapter 1

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"The disappearance of Iwaizumi Hajime"

"Police are still investigating, at the moment they are interrogating the last person who had seen him. That of course is the well known volleyball player, Oikawa Tooru"

"The police are trying their best to find the victim, if you have any infor—"

Bullshit. It's all bullshit from the police, like they actually care. Oikawa tapped his fingers against his desk. The class murmurs were irritating him.

"Oikawa" Hanamaki spoke softly to him, Matsukawa standing beside him "please speak to us"

Even though Oikawa was quiet the entire time, he would only communicate by shaking his head yes or no.

Of course, Oikawa shook his head no. He would not speak. Ever. Not in a million years, even the police were having a hard time. Though, he wrote down some part of the story of what had happened that day.

I was walking with him. Oikawa's pencil glided on the page he glanced at me a few times, almost hesitant. I noticed his mom wasn't home at the time.

Maybe she was at work.

"How was he at school?" One of the detectives asked.

He was fine, when we were at practice he was his usual self, angry at whatever I did. Oikawa chuckled at the thought.

We walked home and the last thing he said was goodbye.

The officers exchanged glances at each other "alright kid you're free to go, but we might come back to ask more questions" one of them sighed. Oikawa nodded and rose up from his chair.

"How can one disappear from thin air?" An officer's voice echoed as Oikawa left the station.

Tooru walked passed his mother who looked at him with worry "don't let him distract you from your studies" she mumbled to him. Of course she would think of that wouldn't she? All she cared about at the moment was him succeeding. Has she ever even thought about how he felt?

Oikawa glared at her and then slammed his bedroom door shut. He lied. His eyes started to sting there was no see you later.

The thing is, Oikawa lied—well more like didn't tell the whole story.

The night Iwaizumi disappeared, he was out of it. Almost like he dreaded going home. "I guess I'll take my leave here" Hajime said, staring at his house. He patted Oikawa on the back lightly.

"Night Iwa-chan~" the other cooed looking at Iwaizumi.

"See you later,


Why did he say it like it was the last time he would ever see Oikawa? That question lingered in the great king's mind. Was there ever going to be a see you later?

Maybe he should forget about Iwaizumi and let the police handle it. Like his mother said, he should probably go back to his studies....

Like hell I am! Oikawa growled at the textbook in front of him no one is desperately searching for him, I'm going to have to do everything myself.

To Oikawa, it gave him hope of thinking of these things. He was excited to meet Iwaizumi again. He's not dead yet. He can't die on me now.

The great king closed his textbook and ran down the stairs. I need a head start on where he could be. He looked back at where his mother was, not giving her the heads up that he was going out.

Oikawa walked to where Iwaizumi's house was, his mother's car wasn't there she's still at work? It's been two weeks since his disappearance, where is she?

Tooru sighed and decided not to knock on the door, after all the father of Hajime must be not in the mood for Oikawa's questions. He did lose his son.

Looking at the ground in defeat he turned around and searched the area instead.


He found nothing.

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