vii :

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━ cute chapter💞💕💓also, bullying⛈

richie was skateboarding through the neighborhood, on his way to the park where him and eddie met. he whistled a tune, but was interrupted when he fell off.

he slid on his arms and knee's, skinning them. richie could feel the warmth of crimson hued, blood. he wasn't going to dare look at it, no way.

suddenly, a buff, but short figure appeared. richie huffed once he saw who it was, henry bowers. he had an evil stare, holding a handful of pebbles.

"sup, fuckface," henry chuckled, shaking the pebbles that layed in his filthy hand.

"ah, good day, bowers," he shakily stood up.

"to what do i owe this pleasure to?" richie smirked, although, the feeling of warm blood trickling down his arm made him shiver.

"shut up, fucker!" henry spat, richie wiped at his face. "where you of to anyway, shithead?" henry slithered closer.

"just meeting a friend, so fuck off?" richie groaned, frustrated.

"mind if i meet 'em too?" henry lunged himself at richie, knocking him to the ground. henry took his hand and smeared it on richie's fresh blood, making him cry out.

henry knew how much richie despised blood, the feeling, the smell, the taste and the look of it. henry wiped it across richie's face, the metallic scent made richie feel queasy.

henry cackled, richie weakly shot his scraped knee in an upward motion, kneeing henry in the groin.

henry howled in pain, rolling over as he hissed. richie took the advantage to run, he broke into a sprint.

he probably looked like a murder with smeared blood on his face, pouring down his elbow and legs. richie finally made it to the park, spotting eddie.

as richie got closer, he could see eddie weaving a flower crown, the action made richie softened, but he soon felt his world become a blurry mess. the smell was too much, disgusting.

richie's eyes rolled back as he went limp, the last thing he saw was a concerned eddie, yelling his name.


richie awoke, the sun blinded him. he groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, the smell, it was gone. all he could smell was eddie's citrus scent and fresh wood, he breathed it in.

richie almost yelped when he saw the leaves from the branch, lower and pour refreshing water onto his face.

he sat up, realising that he was on oak's branch. "e-ed's?" he stuttered, rubbing at his eye.

no answer.

richie looked around for him, eddie must be around because the nature around him was even more alive than usual, "eddie?" he called again.

richie sucked in a harsh inhale when eddie appeared, he was being lifted by the grass. in his arms, was a wooden bowl filled with cherries.

"are you alright? you really scared me, you had blood all over you,"

eddie gestured at the leaves to bring him more water, as richie looked around, he could see it began to rain lightly.

the leaves had collected water, passing them into eddie's cupped hands. without warning, eddie splashed the water on richie's face.

richie sputtered, shaking his head. "sorry." eddie apologised.

once eddie was finished cleaning richie up, the leaves created a sort of 'pillow' for eddie and richie, they both layed back while eating the cherries.

"what happened to you, rich? you looked like you escaped a murder house." eddie questioned him.

richie sighed, "some asshole named, bowers. he has some vendetta against me, for some fucking reason."

eddie's eyes widened, someone was hurting richie? his only human friend? anger rised and bubbled inside eddie, but he closed his eyes and counted to ten.

"does he .. hurt you a lot?"

"not just me, but yeah, sure. he also hates my other friends." richie vented.

"why? what does he gain?" eddie spoke in a frustrated manner.

"not sure, probably jealous that he doesn't get as much pussy as i do." richie's vulgar mouth took the stage.

eddie gasped, but chortled.

"speaking of pussy," richie sat up, smirking.

eddie gulped, feeling a strange feeling in his abdomen.

"your mom's sure is tasty." the comment made eddie gag, richie guffawed.

eddie smirked, the leaves behind him smacked him in the back of his head. "ow!"

it was eddie's turn to laugh, almost choking on a cherry pit.

richie had an idea. eddie had his eyes squeezed shut, richie pounced on him. he dug his fingers on the side of eddie's tummy and began to tickle, eddie was laughing so hard, tears flowed.

"s-stop .. rich-ie!" eddie tried to push richie off, but richie wasn't budging. soon, the leaves decided to join. tickling eddie from every ticklish spot.

"n-no! ah .. r-rich, 'c-chee!" richie gasped at the nickname, halting his actions. he peered down at eddie, but suddenly, they both felt the branch and leaves snake around their frames.

eddie stopped laughing. "uh-oh," richie and eddie both screamed when they both were launched high, eddie clung onto richie.

the branches grabbed at them, twirling them and flipping them. soon, they were all laughing hysterically. "e-ed's, i'm gonna piss myself .. tell them t-to stop!" he gasped for air as he couldn't stop laughing.

"o-okay, okay, stop!" eddie demanded, but alas, they were messing with those mischievous leaves.

if they were humans, they'd be smirking right now. technically, they did listen to eddie, but not how he wanted. eddie and richie went plummeting to the ground, the grass then stretched and grabbed a hold of them.

"h-holy shit," richie sighed, eddie nodded in agreement.

"thank you." eddie thanked the grass, to which they caressed his delicate face. once they were put down, eddie glared at the leaves, but they just shook.

"that was crazy," richie spoke up.

"yeah, that was."

richie summoned the courage to take hold of eddie's hand, lacing them together and pulling him close.

"i like crazy," he flirtatiously fired.

"also, i'd like for you to meet my friends."


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