Part 31 : Disagreement

Start from the beginning

"Yes tell me more!"

"And she's keeping Olivia away from me. She doesn't want me to see her, touch her, I need help"

"Well you guys are married so it will be hard to even try something" she started to explain "But what would you want exactly? The custody of your daughter or what?" She asked.

"I mean if it means i'll see her, yes! I just need my daughter with me"

"As a lawyer i would advise you to get a divorce. If things are really not in a great place with your wife you definitely should, and then fight for custody of your daughter. But we would have to show the court that your wife is not fit to take care of your daughter"

"Um okay, could we meet again at some point soon? I don't want to take too much time with this"

"Yes of course! In the mean time if you allow me, i can get the papers started for the divorce and the custody battle at the same time and have it get to her" she proposed to him.

"Oh yes yes! Please"

Severide wasn't sure if what he was doing was the right thing but he couldn't get through to Stella so to him that was the only solution.
After a couple of days Renee came back to the firehouse, she and Kelly needed to talk some more but she also had the papers for Stella.

"Hey Renee right?" Cruz asked when he saw her coming in.

"Yes" she smiled then asked "is Stella Kidd here or maybe Severide"

"Severide is here but as for Kidd she's not there yet. But you know the way to Severide's quarters so make yourself at home" he smiled back at her.

So Renee went with Severide while waiting on Stella to come back from the call she had.

Meanwhile truck 81 was on a call. It was a house fire, quick to control but yet Stella got burned on her arm.

"It's nothing, i'll just have Gabby wrap it up for me!" She said to Casey.

"Okay but when your shift is over, get it checked out" he said seriously.

So she let Gabby take care of her arm and then they were back at the firehouse.

And just after getting down the truck, Stella noticed Cindy coming in with Olivia in her arms. She looked worried, so Stella let down her radio and quickly got out of her whole gear.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" She asked while grabbing Olivia from Cindy's arm.

"She has a fever but she looked a little weird, so I didn't want to take it lightly since she hd surgery and everything. I thought the best thing to do was to bring her to you" she explained to her.

"Thank you, she's burning hot!" She said worried while touching her. "I'm going to go see the Chief and take her to the hospital! Thanks again Cindy"

"Of course! If you need me just call okay" she make sure to let her she was there no matter what.

Stella started to make her way to Boden's office but got stopped by Renee.

"Yes!" She said confused to Renee.

"Here are the papers"

"What papers?" She was still not getting what was this all about.

"Kelly Severide is asking for a divorce and fighting for custody of Olivia Leslie Severide".

Stella looked at her, she looked mean and she didn't like anything about her. She took the papers, opened them and was shocked to see it was in fact what Kelly was doing.

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