Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

Shelly raised an eyebrow and gave him questioning look before glancing down the hallway. "What was that?" She asked curiously.

Jeremy shook his head and turned around to head back to his bedroom. He heard her heels against the wood following behind him. "She got a thing for you or something?" She pushed which only made him laugh.

"I fucked her." He shrugged. He didn't feel the need to lie as it was only Shelly. She stopped in mid step right at the doorway to his bedroom.

"What?" She asked in shock as if she didn't hear him correctly.

He glanced at her before stepping into his closet. "Yeah, earlier this week actually. It was just a one time thing...I think." He said as he grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans. Shelly took a seat on his bed and looked at him in the closet.

"Jeremy....please tell me you're joking. She is like a hundred." She said in disgust and scrunched up her nose.

He slipped on a black tee shirt and walked back out. "Nope, I'm not and she is in her forties." He said with amusement.

She shook her head at him. "My god... are you really that desperate? I mean you could have any girl and you go for a cougar?" She asked in disbelief.

He sat down next to her on the bed so he could put on his socks and shoes. "Well if I could have any girl then why did I get rejected by you or better yet why is Elizabella avoiding me at all costs?" He snapped rudely and immediately regretted his words.

He didn't need to look at her to know that his words stung her. "I didn't reject you Jeremy....I stopped us from making a mistake. We both know it would have been a mistake. I saved myself from another let down." She spoke softly.

He bit down on his lip and nodded. "I'm sorry...I didn't....that was rude. I...yes, I was desperate that night with Jill, a moment of weakness on my part." He spoke just as softly.

She nodded and then quickly perked back up. "Well please tell me you used protection!" She teased while nudging his shoulder. Jeremy remained silent as he laced his shoes. After a moment he heard her gasp loudly. "You didn't did you?" She asked though it sounded like she already knew the answer.

He just shook his head and glanced over at her. "Jeremy...bloody hell...what if she's pregnant?" She asked seriously.

Jeremy immediately shook his head again. "! She's already gone through...that know.." He stated awkwardly.

Shelly raised an eyebrow. "Menopause?" She asked skeptically and he nodded.

"Yeah that..." He said while getting up to spray himself over with cologne.

Shelly nibbled on her lip for a moment. "But what if she lied or something?" She pushed and Jeremy sighed.

"I doubt she would lie about that Shell...besides she is married. How would she explain that to her husband?" He retorted.

She again gasped loudly. "She's married?" She hissed and he laughed sarcastically while shaking his head.

"I know, I'm a terrible person but can we please just get going now?" He asked while slipping into his jacket. She gave him a pointed look but reluctantly nodded and got up off his bed.

"You're bad Jeremy Gage." She waved her finger at him before leading the way out of his bedroom which only made him smirk.

"I know." He agreed while quickly grabbing his phone and keys off the coffee table.

They made their way down to his car. "I should have called a driver for us...I still can if you'd like but it will make us even more late." He stated while looking to her and she just shook her head.

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