Chapter 12

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Jungkook is laying on the floor crying with cuts and bruises all over his body when his bedroom door is slammed open and his mother enters. "YOU RAT I TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT TODAY!" Jungkook backs into a corner. "Eomma I didn't get any food I promise." Jungkooks mother glares at him and she walks up to him and slaps him. "WHY WAS THERE FOOD GONE THEN HUH RAT!" Jungkook is crying on the floor holding his cheek. "Eomma I'm sorry I haven't eaten in 2 days I was hungry." Jungkooks mother hits him and jungkook screams in pain. "Eomma stop please I'm sorry!" "RATS DON'T SPEAK JUNGKOOK SHUT UP!" Jungkooks mother beats him more after she's done she leaves the room.

Jungkook is spacing out when taehyung puts a hand on his shoulder. "Kookie are you ok?" Jungkook hugs taehyung. "You don't think I'm a rat right tae I'm not a mistake right?" Taehyung cups Jungkooks face and kisses Jungkook. "Whoever told you those things well they're wrong you're the best thing that's ever happened to me you're not a mistake and certainly not a rat."

"Never leave me tae please you're all I have

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"Never leave me tae please you're all I have." "Never kookie I'll awlase be here with you." Jungkook smiles. "Move in with me please I don't want to be alone anymore." Taehyung kisses jungkook. "I will let's go get my stuff tomorrow I don't have much so it'll be like 1 day of moving stuff." Jungkook kisses Taehyung and carries him to their bed to cuddle.

" Jungkook kisses Taehyung and carries him to their bed to cuddle

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"I love you Kim taehyung." "And I love you Jeon Jungkook." When Jungkook falls asleep taehyung decides to text jimin.


What's up

Jungkook asked me to move in with him I said yes so you can finally move in with yoongi and hoseok without worrying about me being alone

Shit that's great but I'll miss you I guess I'll see you then you come to get your stuff.

Thanks for understanding

No problem what are best friends for plus you're right I did want to move in with them anyway

Lolol I'll see you tomorrow Ok?

Ok see you tomorrow

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