Chapter 19: Inside Newt's Case

Start from the beginning

"Actually, would you mind throwing some of those pellets in with the Mooncalves over there?" I suggested.

"Yeah, sure." He said.

Mr. Kowalski bent down and picked up the bucket of pellets.

"Just over there..." I directed him.

After doing so I grabbed a nearby wheelbarrow and set of further into the case.

"Bugger, Niffler's gone. Of course he has, little bugger. Any chance to get his hands on something shiny." I said annoyed.

As Mr. Kowalski walked through the case, I saw a mass of golden butterflies sitting on a tiny tree. Then they swarm upards, mingling with Doxys, Glow Bugs and Grindilows which float through the air.

I moved to another area and prepared a bucket of meat. Then I climbed on a large rock behind the Nundu. Magnificent creature, that looked almost exactly like a lion, but it has a large mane which bursts forth when it roars. It stood proudly on a large rock, roaring at the moon. I scattered food at its feet and purposefully moved on.

A Diricawl, a small, plump bird, waddled in the foreground followed by its constantly Apparating chicks, as Mr. Kowalski climbed up a steep grassy bank.

"What did you do today, Jacob? I was inside a suitcase." He said to himself.

At the top, Mr. Kowalski found a large moonlit rock face populated by little Mooncalves, shy, with huge eyes filling their whole faces.

"Hey! Oh, hello fellas, all right, all right."

The Mooncalves jumped and hopped down the rocks towards Mr. Kowalski, who found himself suddenly surrounded by their friendly, hopeful faces.

"Take it easy, take it easy."

As he threw pellets, the Mooncalves bobbed eagerly up and down. Mr. Kowalski visibly seemed to be feeling better, he really liked this...

While Mr. Kowalski was taking care of the Mooncalves, I was cradling a luminescent creature with sprouting alien-like tendrils. I fed the creature with a bottle, while carefully watching how the muggle handled the Mooncalves, I recognised a kindred spirit.

"There you go, cutie. Ah, there it is." He said still feeding the Mooncalves.

A kind of icy cry echoes from nearby as I walked away.

"Did you hear that?" Mr. Kowalski asked towards me but I was too far away to hear him.

As soon as I finished tending the creature I hurried to check on Mr. Kowalski. I looked for him but couldn't find him. Then I felt cold wind blow my hair and hurried inside the snowy habitat. Luckily I was just on time before Mr. Kowalski tried to touch the Obscurus, a small oleaginous black mass suspended in mid-air.

"Step back." I said sharply.

Jacob jumped.

"Jeez..." He said and but his hand on his chest breathing heavily.

"Step back..." It's said again.

"What's the matter with this?" Mr. Kowalski asked while pointing at the Obscurus.

"I said step away."

"What the hell is this thing?"

"It's an Obscurus."

Mr. Kowalski looked at me, while I was momentary lost in a bad reverie. I turned abruptly away and headed back towards the hut, my tone now was colder, more efficient, no longer happy to play about in the case.

"I need to get going, find everyone who's escaped, before they get hurt."

We left the snowy habitat and entered another forest. I was ploughing ahead, on a mission.

"Before they could get hurt?" Mr. Kowalski asked in a confused tone.

"Yes, Mr. Kowalski. See, they're currently in alien terrain, surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures on the planet."

I stopped talking for a moment.

"Humans." I said finishing my thought.

Then I stopped once more, staring into a large savannah enclosure, which is empty of any beasts.

"So where would you say that a medium-sized creature that likes broads, open plains, trees, water holes, that kind of thing, where might she go." I asked hopefully.

"In New York City?" Mr. Kowalski asked confused once again.

"Yes." I said.


He shrugged as he tried to think of somewhere.

"Ah, Central Park?"

"And where is that exactly?" I asked desperately.

"Where is Central Park?" Mr. Kowalski asked me like it was something everyone should know.

I looked at him for a brief moment and then looked at the ground.

"Well look, I would come and show you, but, don't you think it's kind of a double cross? The girls take us in, they make us hot cocoa..."

"You do realise that I can ask Y/n for help and when they see you've stopped sweating, they'll Obliviate you in a heartbeat." I said kind of harshly.

But it was not because I was angry, no, it was because I was worried about my creatures and because Mr. Kowalski looked like a good man and he wasn't afraid of Magic.

"What does 'Bliviate' mean?" He asked.

"It'll be like you wake up and all memory of magic is gone." I said still looking at the ground.

"I won't remember any of this?" He asked looking around.

He looked sad.


A few short moments later Mr. Kowalski started speaking.

"All right, yeah, okay, I'll help you."

I smiled slightly.

"Come on, then." I said picking up a bucket and heading back to the hut and out of the case.

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