Ch. 1

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Y/N P.O.V.

I wake up and check the clock on my nightstand, 5:45. I can get up that early. I pull off my blankets and stand up. I walk to my closet, I picked my out fit last night because I was so nervous. This is Evan and my first day of senior year, and I was determined to get Ev and I some friends. I don't want my only friend to be Evan until college, this year is my chance. I get dressed and lie on my bed, scrolling through YouTube, not actually watching anything. After awhile, I hear my mom telling Evan to write those letters to himself. He really needs to, I did, and it really helped me.

I go downstairs and grab some leftover pizza from last night, that I couldn't get Ev to order. Mom comes down the stairs and for some reason is surprised to see my up, I don't understand why, it's already 6 am. "Wow, look who's up early." She says. After a while I check my phone, we should get going soon. "Evan, it's time to go!" I yell. We grab our backpacks and walk out the door,

*time skip brought to you by Evan being an acorn*

We go to our lockers and Jared walks over. He and I have a mutual hate for each other, we just deal with it. We talk for a while when, he randomly says "like the new haircut, very school shooter chic." That's when I notice Connor Murphy walking behind me. Connor, the boy I've had a crush on since 2nd grade when he threw that printer at the teacher, Murphy. Connor, the boy my brother hates, Murphy. Shoot. I feel my face heat up, please no one notice!

They spit a few comments back and forth at each other, ending in Evan getting shoved against the lockers. As he gets up I hear the bell ring. I start to run to class and accidentally run into Connor. "Ah, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't be running and not looking where I'm going. I'm so sorry!" I  say so fast I can barely understand myself. "Calm down, I wasn't looking where I was going either." He says very calmly. "Hey, sorry about my brother laughing at you earlier." I quickly apologize for Ev. After a few moments of silence, I say, "Hey, can we maybe be friends?" "Sure! Let me give you my number." He says enthusiastically. After we exchange numbers, I walk to class.



A/n who else thinks first chapters are the worst. This story will be a good challenge for me.

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