Chapter 1: Meeting the new neighbors

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Skye's P.O.V.
“ I can't believe we have to move again for the 5th time, man I gotta stop talking to myself.”

as I packed my last box full of fragile items and carried it down the steps. My dad took the box from my hands and put it in the back of the moving truck, and I stepped outside only to welcomed by the sunlight and 79 degree weather and I hopped into my black Chevy truck with my wolf dog hybrid named Shadow, he has full black fur with icy blue eyes next to me on the passenger side. My truck was full of dad's and I's suitcase and duffle bags, my back pack was in the back with my guitars and archery case. I followed my dad until we came to a nice neighborhood, we came to a big two story beautiful house and next door I saw two boys, one in a crimson shirt with blonde hair and icy blue eyes, while the other in a navy shirt with black hair and brown eyes. My dad parked next to the curb and I saw his Toyota Jeep there parked in the drive way and I parked on the right side of the drive way next to dad's. I got out and I saw the two boys and my dad walk around the corner of the moving truck so they were in my view while fixing my hat, I walked over to my dad and the two boys.

I walked over to them with my shoes making a scuffling noise on the concrete driveway and they looked my way, dad smiled and said

“Skye sweetie meet Hunter and Blake, Hunter and Blake meet my daughter Skye.”

as he introduced us and dad said

“ Skye, I have to go meet my new boss will you be okay by yourself?”

I nodded. Dad went to his jeep and I shouted to my dad

“Hey dad could you let Shadow out of the truck for me!?!”

“Sure sweetie!”

He opened the driver side door then out came Shadow, he ran more like bolted to me, Hunter and Blake. Hunter and Blake went wide eyed at the sight of him, once Shadow saw the bradley brothers he started growling and snapping his teeth.

“ Shadow! Sit!”

I commanded and he obeyed,

“Sorry about that he tends to be protective of me, Shadow is worse than an over protective father.”

I said, we heard my dad say as he drove past us

“Love you too sweetie!”

We laughed at his remark.

“It's all right, what kind of dog is he?” Hunter asked

“He is a wolf dog hybrid.” I answered as Shadow started nudging me for pets so I petted him.

I noticed dark storm clouds, I asked Hunter and Blake

“Is it suppose to storm today?”

“Think so why?” Blake questioned

“Because I have stuff in the bed of my truck I need to get out before it starts, well better get to it, come on Shadow.”

and walked to the front door and opened it. I turned around only to find Hunter and Blake getting the duffle bags/ suitcases from the back of my truck and bring them in the house. They both came out with Blake saying

“You know for a girl you travel light.”

“Well I take both of my dad and I's clothing, my guitars and my archery case, while dad deals with the furniture and necessities.”

I said back to him while I went to my truck. Grabbed my guitar cases and archery case, sat the cases up right. I grabbed my acoustic guitar strap and put it over my head so the case was hanging from my back, grabbed me electric guitar and archery case and walked back to the house when it started pouring. I set the stuff down next to everything else and I realized I forgot my backpack in the truck.

"Shiit” I muttered but Hunter heard me and said

“You ok?”

“I forgot my backpack in my truck.”

“I'll get it for you.”


he went to get my bag and I smiled, Blake asked

" So where did you just move from?"

I looked up from my phone and said

"Turtle Cove."


I laughed and said

"Yea really."

"Really what?"

we looked and saw hunter who was soaked to the bone, his shirt was sticking to him and I sawsome muscle underneath and I looked away real quick and became interested with my hair slightly braiding it with a blush on my face, Hunter took notice and smirked and said

" Hey Skye like what ya see?"

"Psssh what no."

Waving my hand in the air like swatting a fly while smiling. Hunter noticed and he smiled too, while Blake a little confused.

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