Chapter 2: Settling in and watching movies

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Chapter Song: Heros by Tove - lo

(A/N: Hi everyone I know it's been forever because of school and I was trying to think of some ideas and if you could please comment for me and tell me how it's going, Thank you :) )

Skye's POV

Hunter and Blake stayed to help me a bit getting the boxes out of the truck even though it's pouring outside and my phone vibrated and saw a text from dad saying

' hey sweetie I'll be home later than I thought probably around 1 or 2 in the morning, love ya sweetie.'

I sighed and I heard Blake screaming


I looked outside the door and yelled back to Blake


as I turned around heading to the living room where there is now furniture and I heard Hunter laughing behind me.

They sat the boxes down and I grabbed a box cutter from my back pocket and started looking for my stuff. Once I found the box full of my books and journals and pushed it towards the stairs with my foot, while Hunter and Blake started opening boxes for the living room and kitchen.

-2 hours later-

Hunter, Blake and I were now in my new room going through my clothes and putting them in the closet, while Hunter and Blake are hooking up my TV. Once they got it on they put on Teen MC and worked on doing something else and next thing I know a pair of my jeans are on my head, I turned around and when I did a shirt was covering my face. I took the 2 pieces of clothing off my head and said to them

“You guys act like children sometimes.”

while laughing a bit and they laughed too.

Blake said

“Well we maybe 18 but we had to grow up fast and didn't have any fun when we were kids.”

I sighed and said

“ I understand where you guys are coming from, I also had to grow up fast by moving from city to city, and running to save my life, learning how to defend myself, a whole bunch of things. I didn't have any friends throughout my childhood and I still dont, the only friends I have are adults and I consider them as aunts and uncles, besides them the only friends I have are the ones that can't talk back, there is writing, listening to music, drawing, playing my guitars, and archery, I know sad but... it isn't like I have a choice. Dad has a responsibility that his mentor gave him before I was born and I live with that responsibility now. So my life isn't that much fun.”

and started scratching at my wrists. Hunter took notice and said

“You ok, you seem to be scratching at that spot a lot?”

I looked down at my wrist and saw the “battle scars” from a couple weeks ago that were healing but I reopened them and tiny bit of blood came out kind of like a cat scratch, and said

“Yea I'm fine don't worry.”

Hunter looked at me with a worried expression and said

“Alright, so what should we do now?”

“Do you guys like horror movies?” I suggested

They both nodded and I said

“ Ok I'll be right back.”

I went downstairs and found the movies I owned that took 2 totes full and I grabbed the first one and put it on the other one and picked both up and went up the stairs. I walked into the room and set them down and said to them

“I mainly watch horror and syfy movies than any other genre so... I think I have some shows in there to.”

as I opened the totes and saw a couple of shows, like helix and what not. I looked at them and they looked at me with wide eyes and mouths slightly opened, and I laughed. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket to check the time and it said on the lock screen 5:23 pm. I didn't even hear Hunter and Blake come over and go through the totes until they found some movies like Scream in the 5 disc movie set, Friday the 13th in the movie disc set, Halloween also in the movie set, and Nightmare on Elm Street the 8 disc movie set. I laughed and said

“This will last us until 3 or 4 in the morning.”

and they looked at me confused and Blake asked

“ How would you know?”

“ I actually tested that theory like maybe 2 years ago, and if we started watching these maybe like at maybe 2 or 2:30 it would last us until dad came home.”

Blake looked at me and said

“Cane we start watching now please!?”

Hunter looked at Blake with a weird expression and I nodded, Blake got up and set the movies by the dvd player and Hunter said

“Who wants take out food?”

I immediately and kind of shouted said


Hunter and Blake laughed and Hunter asked

“Pizza or Chinese?”

Me and Blake said


“Ok then Chinese it is then.”

and he started calling the number for the chinese place, he came back within 5 minutes and said

“ the total is $65.79, jeez.”

I grabbed my wallet and gave Hunter a $50 and a $10 and said

“Think of it as a thanks for helping me with my room.”

“Thanks, but I'll pay you back, but I won't take no for an answer when it comes to someone giving me money, unless it's a paycheck that I'll accept.”

a that time the doorbell rang. Hunter and I went to the door while Blake was deciding what to put in first, the guy was carrying 2 bags full of chinese food and I grabbed the bags while Hunter gave him the money. Hunter closed the door and took the heaviest bag from my left hand and we walked back upstairs. Blake decided to put in Friday the 13th in and saw the main menu on my 50” screen and we watched the movies. Me and Hunter sat next to each other on my bed while Blake was at the bottom of my bed on the floor. I laid my head on Hunter's shoulder and my eyes were drooping and the last thing I remember was Hunter putting a blanket on us both and feel asleep.

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