Chapter Seven

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"But grieving people are selfish. They won't let you comfort them and they say you don't understand and they make you feel useless when all your life you've been functional to them."

- Melina Marchetta, The Piper's Son

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"Bhaiya!" Pushkar called him out as soon as he stepped into the hall, his shout loud enough to snap Shravan out of his thoughts and hide his goofy smile. He cleared his throat and sobered up when he found his cousin sitting on the stairs, blocking his way, looking at him with a teasing grin that was lighting up his face.

"Pushkar, not now, I have to study Mr Berry's case, the hearing is the day after tomorrow!" He exclaimed before hurriedly climbing the stairs thanks to his longs legs. Ignoring his cousin's calls, he entered in his room before closing the door with a sigh of relief for avoiding the pending teasing session from Pushkar.

After collecting the files and the heavy law books to study Mr Berry's case, he spread everything on his bed before getting lost in his work. When after an hour or so, his phone chimed in, he hurriedly picked it up, already knowing who it was.

"I have reached home, go to sleep now!" She ordered before ending the call.

"She says to me that saying 'hi, hello' is a must and then she herself does this..." He muttered to himself, shaking his head.

Before he could move back to his files, suddenly he remembered that he had left his book and the letter inside it on the side table in the hall along with the paper she had to scribble the address of her PCT. As the thought of Pushkar finding the book and reading the letter swum in his mind, he hurried down the stairs, hoping that the book had been spared from the curiosity of his family members. Racing downstairs, he sighed in relief when he found the book where he had left it, untouched... 

Getting hold of it, he made his made way back to his room, unaware of the person who had been observing him from far away...

After finding the letter inside the book along with the paper, he breathed out a content sigh, taking out the folded paper with PCT's address written over it, he carefully caressed her messy handwriting with a smile before placing it beside the letter and closing the book once again, he fell on his bed and once again started to study the files, after reading a few lines, he suddenly stopped and sat up straight with a frown as he noticed the similarities between the two addresses, realizing PCT was on one of Mr Berry's plots.

"What the hell..." He muttered slowly as he stared at the opened files in front of him.

Reading about PCT being on the plot number 609 and knowing Mr Barry's owned from plot n number 550 to 610, his worry only increased. He was going to win the case due to Mr Berry's strong claim over the property, and with that, she was going to lose PCT, her dream. But why didn't she tell him anything? He had sent out a notice to all the tenants of Mr. Saniyaal, then how come she didn't know it was him who was fighting the case? Did she not know about it?

Grabbing his phone, he called his assistant who he had given the responsibility of sending every Saniyaal's tenants a letter to inform them about the ongoing case on the same day the case was filed in the court by him.

"Did you sent the letters to Saniyaal's tenants as I had asked you to?" He asked as soon as the other person responded to the call.

"Shravan Sir?" His assistant asked in his sleepy voice.

"I asked you something, I had told you to send letters to Saniyaal's tenants, did you do that?" He asked once again, the agitation in his voice was clear enough to alarm the other person.

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