2. Rationality

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"Yeah, why not?" Zach grinned, taking another dainty sip. "You don't know how?"

"Slow-dance?" Fandy choked out.

"It's a slow song, isn't it?" Zach put his Scotch on the counter, taking the drink out of Fandy's hand smoothly. "C'mon."

The song changed, another slow one taking its place, as Zach took his hand and pulled him to a corner of the living room/dance floor.

"Hands here. Yeah, there you go." Zach led Fandy's hands to his shoulders, then placed his on his hips. His fingertips left warm marks wherever they touched, making Fandy expel a hot breath. Zach's voice was deep, gentle, but could hold a certain amount of authority. He grinned when Fandy's hands on his shoulder tightened.

"I've never danced with someone before." Fandy said, meeting Zach's eyes, who stared at him with a sweet smile.

"Really?" Zach reconfirmed with a nod from Fandy, then shook his head. "Not even in school dances?"

Fandy shook his head. As their hands familiarized with one another's body, they began to sway, softly to the love song playing.

"I've never kissed anyone either." It came out of Fandy's mouth before he could stop it. He didn't consider that he was going to open up to someone tonight.

"Why not?"

"I don't know..." Fandy avoided those eyes. "No ones ever really... been interested in me like that."

"I find that hard to believe."

Fandy's eyebrow raised when Zach spoke these words. Why was he so incredibly charming, especially to Fandy, whom he had just met minutes ago.

"Hey, Fandy, we gotta go." Nick was suddenly at his side, pulling at Fandy's arm, which was still firmly on Zach's shoulder. "We gotta go."

"What? No." Fandy said, suddenly becoming panicked. "Why?"

"I'll explain on the way, we just- we just gotta go." Nick looked panicked, a lot paler now. Sweat was forming on his brow. "Fandy. Please."

The tone that, only an hour ago, Nick was using to convince Fandy to come to the party, was now being used to make him go home.

Fandy couldn't say no to his obviously stressed friend, and parted from Zach, who had a hurt look on his face. "C'mon, Nick, lets go-"

"Wait-" a voice called out, and a hand grasped at Fandy's sweatshirt. "Are you busy tomorrow?"

"I'm not."

"Can I meet you somewhere?"

Fandy thought for a moment, then answered. "Tea Chat Café." He swallowed, then looked back up at Zach. "Twelve o'clock."

Zach smiled, then his pink lips parted, revealing three words to Fandy. "It's a date."


"I'm just so fucking pissed." Nick said as soon as the dorm door was closed. They were both wet from a flash shower that had happened as they were walking out of the building. Nick had walked fast, clearly shaking, through the cold spring rain, ignoring any plead for explanation Fandy presented. But now, they were inside, alone, and Nick was still shaking.

"Nick, what happened?" Fandy asked, putting his hands on the smaller man's shoulders to try to steady him.

"Well... well..." Nick shook his head, then walked a few steps to the kitchen, and sitting down on one of those chairs. Fandy grabbed two towels from the linen closet, wrapping himself up in one and draping one over Nick. "Patrick and I were dancing... and... and he was so drunk and... some of his friends came and they just started... touching me." Nick swallowed, pulling the towel tighter to his body. "Patrick didn't do anything about it."

"Nick, I'm so sorry." Fandy said, moving closer and pulling his friend into a hug. "Can I do anything to help?"

"I don't know." Nick muttered when Fandy pulled away. "I'm a little hungry."

"I can warm up some dumplings." Fandy stood, feeling warmer now that he had concluded the situation wasn't desperately terrible. He wasn't trying to undermine Nick, but he knew that he tended to be over-dramatic, and he knew that, within days, Nick would forgive Patrick for anything.

Fandy felt the buzz of distant fingertips on his hips, drawing him closer, seeing the hum of lights brightening a shapely face. The word stuck in his mind. Zach. Someone had pulled him onto the dance floor and taught him to move, and that someone's name was Zach.

Fandy took a package of dumplings out of the fridge, starting to boil a pot of water.

"Who was that guy you were dancing with tonight?" Nick asked. Fandy looked over, seeing his friend had calmed down. He was shaking less, and the colour had returned to his face.

"His name is Zach." Fandy said, feeling the word in his mouth. "He asked me to dance."

"Ooh." Nick raised both eyebrows, tapping on the counter. "Fandy's got a boyfriend."

A spoon slammed on a pot. "He's not my boyfriend!" Fandy shook his head. "We just met. And I told you I'm not dating until after college."

"C'mon." Nick cocked his head, pouting at Fandy. "You're really gonna go the next three years without even trying to date? Fandy, you've never even kissed anyone."

Fandy opened his mouth to present a counter argument, but he shrunk, sighing. Nick's arms crossed and his eyebrow raised, making him look like a king with a quilt draped over his back. "What if I don't want to kiss anyone?"

"Dude." Nick leaned forward, rolling his eyes. "We both know how handsome he was."

Fandy suddenly felt uncomfortable in his own skin, not liking the idea of being in a relationship. Relationships took time, time that Fandy didn't have. Time he could spend studying or reading his lines or doing anything else but committing himself to a person.

That was rational.


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