two, matt meets bulldozer

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TWO , matt meets bulldozer

Today Matt woke up bright and early, which surprised everyone as he wasn't the type to do that, in fact he was the sleep until i have 5 minutes type guy.

At six fifty eight he ran into the living room and screamed, drawing the attention onto him. " Maya's gonna be here in two minutes! How's my hair?" He asked his family who were sitting down eating breakfast.

"Curly!" Cory smiled, grateful his son was blessed his hair. Genetics baby!

"Good curly?" He questioned still not really knowing if it looked good.

"Does someone have a crush on Maya?" Riley asked having mixed emotions on the subject. On one hand, she thought it was sweet and romantic and everyone knew she was a sucker for romance but on the other hand It was her best friend they were talking about, Maya means so much to her and she'd hate for her brother to hurt her best friend. That would be the last thing she wanted.

"What no! Gross, Maya's all-all Maya-y." Matt fake shuddered. Matt truly had a crush on her from the day he met her at a skate park, nobody knew, except from Farkle, he would flirt with Maya but nobody took it seriously because he was a heartthrob and he would flirt with every girl he layed eyes on.

"Maya!" A voice from the intercom Buzzed.
"Farkle!" Another voice spoke.

"Aah!" Matt screamed trying to quickly adjust his hair. "She's a minute early!" He gasped before running off into his room.

Riley shook her head at her brothers antics and put on a smile.

"Those are my friends."She pointed to the door as she skipped down a step. "I love my friends,"She skipped down another step. "It's a sunny day." Riley walked to the intercom. "I love sunny days,I love my friends."She pressed the button to let Farkle and Maya in. " I love my family,I love sunny days," Riley skipped to her dad. "I Even love going to school," She hugged dad and sat down.

"What's going on with her?" Cory asked his wife.

" I don't know but don't do anything to her." Topanga told him.

"I'm in a good mood.This life thing?I got it down." Riley said still smiling.

"Farkle,Maya."Mom pointed at the two to sit once she saw them walk in.

"Thank you but my mother made me eggs,home fries,wheat toast,marmalade and a strawberry shaped like a star." Farkle described his mouth watering breakfast as the youngest Matthews mouth hung open.

"I'm going farkles who's with me?!" Auggie shouted standing up. But however sat down once his mother gave him a look causing him to sit down.

In that moment Matt walked in with his chest puffed out, he believed it made him more attractive like an alpha but he didn't, instead Maya fell into a hysterical laughing fit.

"What's so funny Hart?" Matt raised an eyebrow as he sat down next to her.

"You." She whispered into his ear not wanting the interrupt the discussion everyone else was having at the table.

"Matt?" Cory called on causing his to give his father a blank look. "How's life kid?!" Cory asked eggar to watch Mr Googly.

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 , girl meets worldWhere stories live. Discover now