It was currently lunch and to say that I was terrified would be an understatement. 

I could easily fight back Lydia, my bully, but that would cause the principal to call my dad and then his reputation as a well respected lawyer will be ruined.

Lydia can ruin my life all she wants, but when it comes to my father I'll do anything, endure anything, to make sure that nothing happens to him.

I have something up my sleeve when it comes to Lydia, I know a secret of hers but I can't bring myself to use it against her. 

Basically I'm horrible at blackmail.

Luke held my hand as we walked towards the cafeteria, and it was obvious as to why people thought we're together, he treated me like his girlfriend than he did a sister.

He could have any girl yet he sticks with me, which always confused me. Why me? The thought of getting an answer terrified me to the core.

Luke was that guy that could flash you a smile and it would cause the girls to swoon over him. 

And me?

It was obvious to some that I had feelings for my best friend, but there was no way I was going to admit it aloud.

I liked Luke for Luke. Not for what he could be, what he could become, but for who he is right now and who he's always been.

Well on another note, speak of the devil and she shall appear. In all her glory, tail, and all was sitting at our table, OUR TABLE.

Oh and yes I just basically said she was the devil and yet I was shaking with fear of what she had planned for me today.

It was the beginning of the week and Monday's are usually the worse days.

"Don't worry, we'll eat outside today." I nodded, letting Luke guild us outside careful not to be seen by Lydia.

Sitting in the shade, I couldn't help but voice my thoughts aloud. "Have you ever just wanted to run away. You know get away from everything?"

Confused Luke angled himself to look at me, "No."

Of course he didn't, I mean why would he? Everyone practically loves Luke.

"I do, everyday to be exact." I told him honestly, as I looked up at the clouds. 

Luke sighed, laying down before pulling me with him, "You can't leave me." He whispered into my hair before going silent.

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest but I didn't feel like I needed to apologize because I didn't. I voiced my thoughts and although I know he doesn't like it, I wanted - no needed to say it.

Moving on, considering that we were outside it was no surprise that I shook with fear when the sun was no longer hitting us.


That's all I felt.

I froze, not really able to move. Luke tightened his grip on my waist but I knew it wasn't going to help nor was it going to do anything.

"Get up." I just stayed still not daring to move but what surprised me is when Luke was the one to stand.

My eyes widened and I knew this was going to end badly. 

"No, not anymore Lydia. Walk away or I'll make the last week hell for you." Luke threatened only to have her laugh at him.

"Cute that you actually believe you scare me." He was going to say something but Lydia's boyfriend, Jake and his friends came and held Luke back.

I sighed tiredly, every day he tries to protect me and it all ends the same way. Me being humiliated.

Before I could comprehend what was going to happen, Lydia abruptly pulled my hair causing me to scream out in pain.

"You thought you could hide? Pity mistake." Lydia whispered into my ear before beating the crap out of me.

I could fight back but what was the point? I wasn't about to ruin my fathers reputation, no way. So I endured this, everyday for the past three years.

As the bell rand, Lydia gave me one last kick to my stomach before walking away as well as the crowd that had formed.

I didn't even bother to move, I didn't want to because honestly? Fuck everything right now. Standing to my feet, I brushed myself off before heading inside to my locker with Luke behind me.

I didn't want to stay here, I couldn't. 

I grabbed my bag making sure I had everything before slamming my locker and heading for the exit.

"Where are you going Val?" Luke asked attempting to match my pace. "Home." I told him as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Pulling my forearm he spun me around to face him, and I bit my lip from crying out in pain. "You can't run away. I taught you better."

I ripped my arm from his grip. "You're not my mother Luke, and if I wanted my mother I'd go find her."

He went quiet, as if he had something to tell me. "What?" I asked but he just shook his head.

Now he's keeping secrets? We never kept secrets with one another.

"What aren't you telling me Luke?" I asked getting angry that he wasn't answering me.

"She's here." Confused I tilted my head. "Who?"

He sighed, taking a deep breath. "Your mom."

It was like everything around me froze as the good and bad times with my mother came flooding back.

My mom was in town?

No, that's not possible.

Without a word, I turned on my heel and began to leave ignoring Luke's pleas for me to stop.

I wasn't going to, and I don't think I could.

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