They'd be killed if that were to happen.

"So, where do people my age socialize anyway, Kira? I've never been to a tavern." I added dryly as we rounded a corner, heading down the wooden steps to the next floor of the building. Kira smiled brightly.

"You're serious, you must change your clothing, sweetling. This is no longer the Zhou. We've entered Assyria territory. You must taken upon their customs as I have."

"You want me to wear a dress."

"It's an abaya, sweetling. Watch your tongue."

"Yes, Kira."

"You will wear as the men wear and you will be sure to wear a robe. If you are going to the town a ways from here, you must be cautious. Do not tell anyone your real name. The name Strykyrius will be known." She explained calmly as we entered my chambers where a wooden rack went around the length of room, adorned with every piece of clothing I had collected on my travels. At the center was my futon, a smooth mattress filled with feathers and pillows to go with. I had it all to myself.

Kira remained in the room with me as I undressed, tossing my clothes aside carelessly, making Kira sigh as she flicked her fingers, placing the clothes on the racks again. I smirked, then tugged the clothing on, letting it hide my body as I ran my fingers through my blonde hair.

"You're searching for your mate, mind you," She added with a frown, "Don't run around and give yourself to any person that attracts your attention."

"Isn't that the same thing?" I asked with a smirk. Kira rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak, but the doors to my chambers opened as a messenger came in, his eyes downcast instantly when he realized he'd interrupted something important.

"Many apologizes, general. I've come with important news. The army in the south led by a man called Naosia is headed here to meet with you. He claims he can assist." He added quickly, averting his eyes. His cheeks turned pink, though, which made me smile.

Kira had taught me what a person's reaction would be to me if they favored me and I could see it clearly on this messenger's face.

I lowered my arms to my sides, drifting over to stand in front of the messenger, wearing the very thin, see-through white silks. His cheeks burned as he timidly peered past his dark hair at me, his chocolate eyes glittering in awe. I smiled.

"Thank you for telling me, my servant." I stated. His eyelids fluttered as if just hearing me say that was arousing him before he nodded quickly and ducked out of the room, shutting the doors behind him. I looked up at Kira, who was frowning at me.

"What?" I asked incredulously. She snorted, wagging a finger at me and making me frown deeply.

"You are teasing the poor lad."

"I most certainly am not. He was interested in me."

"Aye, but that was no reason to give him hope."

"Hope of what?"

"That you'd sleep with him."

"What?" I asked, confused. I didn't understand her choice of words and this only made Kira giggle wildly, which she hadn't done in quite a while. I scowled as she came up to me, pinching my cheek teasingly. I squirmed away from her, rubbing my cheek as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I don't understand what you mean. You told me to find a mate and so I shall." I answered flatly, heading for the doors. Kira cocked a brow, right at my heels as always.

"Despite knowing that Naosia is coming here, you are still interested in my proposal. You always were a curious boy. It's childish, but cute." She commented with a smirk, making me roll my eyes as we headed out of the building and into the brightness of the sun that beamed down upon us. Several lines of soldiers marched by with their commander barking orders in the native language to the country. With the use of a spell, however, their language was translated simply into my own.

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