. D A Y S E V E N .

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Everybody was now inside the building and sitting in their seats. Sir was beyond pissed at everybody for some fucking reason. Ben was the only one who was wearing makeup, only to cover up the black eye he had given him and to express himself through makeup, because he has the fucking right to everybody has the fucking right to wear whatever the fuck they want, whenever the fuck they want, despite of what they identify as.

Sir was now storming around the classroom in rage, shouting on top of his lungs. Everybody was scared shitless, but nobody showed it.

After about 10-20 minutes of Sir raging and screaming at everybody, he called up the scrawny blonde boy up to the front. In fear and hesitation, he got up and stood in front of Sir, scared of what he was going to do to him.

Without any hesitation or warning, or anything, Sir, at full force, punched him in they face like he did with Ben; causing him to fly back and hit the ground with a loud thud. Patty gasped at the violence, covering the bottom half of his face with his hands.  The scrawny boy on the flood let out choked sobs as tears threatened to roll down his cheeks. Sir grabbed him the the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall, shouting profanities and shouting about how he should wipe the tears off his face before he does it himself, before sending him back to his seat. Sir pressed his forehead against the chalk board, trying to calm himself down after the sudden burst of rage.

Ben looked over to the left where Patty was sitting. He noticed how the scrawny boy was shaking rapidly, and how his bottom lips was quivering. Patty's eyes were watering and it looked like he was about to cry- but he couldn't because "Boys don't cry". Ben looked over to the side and saw Patty's current state and he reached his hand out. Patty saw Ben's hand out from the corner of his eye and hesitantly reached his hand out. Ben gave his had a gentle squeeze, rubbing his thumb over is to cry and calm the smaller boy down. 

Patty always kept a happy mood and a brave face whenever he was in public or around his peers. But what people don't know is that Patty suffers from anxiety, and has had physically harmed himself over it, but also mentally, emotionally, and verbally. Patty isn't different than the other boys in the boot camp either. They've all done unhealthy things to themselves because of this whole "Boys don't cry" bullshit. It's been engraved into their minds, and they couldn't get rid of the thought about having to be the stronger sex, it'd always come flooding back whenever they did something girly. 

Using his free hand, Ben quickly wrote Patty a note while Sir was flipping shit.

Are you alright, Patty?

Handing it over to Patty, he opened and read it before writing on the bottom:

Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just having a bit of anxiety, that's all.
Thanks for asking.

Ben wasn't fucking retarded unlike the old man who's flipping shit after Ben was caught wearing makeup, and decided to take his anger out on someone who didn't fucking do jack shit. He obviously knew Patty wasn't alright, his body language showed everything. 

After Sir was done having his tantrum, the bruise covered boy returned to his seat. Sir was done with the class, and Patty was done with him. Sir just had everybody write another essay again about what it's like to be a man for the millionth time in a row.

THE STIGMA (BOYS DON'T CRY.)Where stories live. Discover now