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There was a problem though, some rules that seem unfair to me.

'Rule 5: A crowned prince to be King can become King without a Queen but will have to marry 2 years later of his reign to concede power to a new born baby with royal blood. '

'Rule 6: A crowned princess can become Queen and reign only if she's married to a prince. '

'Rule 7: Queen has to give birth to keep her power and reign. If not possible, power will be taken away and given to next in line.'

When I heard those 3 rules, I thought " why can a prince become King without a wife when I can't be queen because I need a husband?'

That was when I began to go against my parents of marrying a prince. I wanted to prove to them that the rule was absurd and that a women shouldn't be seen as week and in need of a husband when taking power.

Even though I am about to take a big responsibility, I'll give the Kingdom of Zoluam the best of me so my people can see better days than what they are now.


[Kings Office]

"Speak", my father said. We were at his office not the throne room anymore. This was more serious.

"What do you want me to say, you've heard it all from Mic."

My father was sitting in his luxury chair that combined with his big brown desk made of the most finest wood from our land, and i was in the chair in front of his desk.
Sitting straight and my eyes locked with his.

I didn't know what he was thinking. But today I will speak my mind. I don't care if he hits me or slaps me, as long as he hears me out.

"Im not talking about that." he said breaking the silence

"Then what?" I said

"Tell me about the boys, so far I know some of them are already making their move on you and others are still shy to do so. How is that going?" really!? He wants me to talk about them!?

"Well I find most of them annoying, others I dont know and some of them seem.....seem.. I guess...cute. But that doesn't mean I'm interested in any of them. I might in the end send all of them home and prove my point to you that I don't need or any future Queen needs a husband at the beginning of her reign!" There was no need to lie some of the guys have really nice personalities and others I really can't imagine dealing with. I also know that I said I will be playing by the rules but my father doesn't know that. He still thinks I'm rebelling against him which i am still.

"We'll we are making progress somehow, it will take time but I guess it wont be necessary anymore" he showed a smile that was hiding the truth from that sentence.

"What do you mean father?"

" Do you remember that two months ago there was an infiltration of villains along the border?"

" I surely do remember father",I responded back

"Well it seems that the traitor is back, but we don't know who it is. We only have the clue that he is a young hero, and that's why I thought that by making this contest he will reveal himself."

"Doesn't that mean that we are in even more danger?"

"That's where you come in, you will help us by uncovering the traitor, by making them fall in love with you. Im sorry for not telling you the truth, but if you help us find the traitor, Ill help you convince the ministers to get rid of the law you hate so much. You and the future Queens of Zoluam would no longer be seen as weak and in need of a husband to reign."

Is he for real? I haven't speak my mind yet? This better not be a joke. Well dad never tells jokes.

"Prove to me that you are powerful and independent as you say Y/n"

"I'll help, as long as you keep your word"

"I always keep my word. So is it a deal?" he took out the ink and the pen along with a paper that seem like a contract. This was the real deal.

I took the pen that had ink already and read the contract. It all seem fair and to good to be true. My father wants me to prove myself to him and I will show him what Im capable of.

I signed the contract and place the pen back into the ink.

"It's a deal then my daughter. Aizawa and Mic will also be helping you uncover the traitor, while you try to get even closer to them."

"Thank you father for giving me this chance", I said racing up my head to look into his eyes.

He then calmed his rough expression and sighted.

"I'm leaving soon, you know that right?"

"Of course I do, and I don't think I'm ready for it."

"You need to be, you are about to be Queen and take my place. Don't even cry when it happens. I want you to be strong for me....your brother, Alex, he...he can come back after I'm gone. I never meant all of those things I said to him back then. I want to see him again and apologize before I leave, but I don't think he would want. He hates me... he hates his father. I destroyed our family." I've never seen my dad this broken, I couldn't believe what he was saying. My father, who I've been giving a hard time and him to me is-

"I'm sorry my daughter, it wasn't my intention to always give you a hard time for the past three years. After your brother left, I was devastated to see him go and all I did was retaliate my anger on you. I regret hitting you and being an atrocious father to you and your siblings. Please forgive me." he is apologizing to me.

Tears were now rolling down my cheeks and so my father. We were finally understanding each other. He finally told me his feelings of regret, something I never imagined for him to do.

I stood up from the wood chair and went around his desk to hug my father. He returned the hug and we both began to cry.

Lots of feelings where being displaced in our hug and tears.
Sorrow, Forgiveness, Peace, Love, and Regret.

"I know that after I'm gone you'll be an amazing Queen, so forget about what I said about you proving yourself. You've already proven yourself to me. You are stubborn but you have the heart of your mother. You are brave, smart and compassionate. I love you my daughter." That is the first time in a long time that I've heard those words from my father.

"I love you as well father, please forgive me, all I've been doing is being a bad daughter." I was crying even more.

We ended our argument that we both taught it was never going to end but it finally did today and peacefully

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