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About 2 weeks later, mom says one day after school, "Hey, did you apply for a job?" "There is a message for you on the answering machine." I am bewildered. Shocked. So is my mother.

The message is from Krogers HR Manager, Lisa. She would like to interview me. Bursting with excitement I run to tell my mom. Shes not as thrilled as I always dreamed she would be. Looking back, maybe she was jealous. Who wouldnt be when your trapped in a house with a disability status and a drunk man.

I schedule my interview, and explain to Lisa that it is my first job. After an oral swab and some computer training Im ready for my first day. My mom gets around to mentioning how I didnt ask her permission to go get a job to which shes expected to take me to and informs me shell need gas money for the 18 mi round trip each time. It seems like a reasonable complaint so I agree and keep it moving. No one can stop me now. First goal was to buy a new fancy cell phone. One that flips open and has a camera. Radio shack has a sexy sleek black virgin mobile phone for $99 plus tax....only  2 weeks of collecting carts and bagging groceries and its mine!

The summer of 2006 wore on, Patrick and his lack of attention is replaced by older newer more exciting boys. First was Dustin. Dating him was like dating the mayor of our small town. Everyone knew him. Everyone had an opinion about his life. We had a grand summer going on double dates and out to concerts. Anywhere but Haffner Dr. Eventually the mayor got tired of me. I occasionally ponder on the fact that hes the only guy that has ever broken up with me.

Wasnt long after that, that Alyssa in the frozen depts brother would be moving back to town. Tall, dark complected and easy to crack a laugh, it didnt take too long for me to notice him in my line at work one week. My intital thought was that this would be the perfect rebound to being dumped by my supervisor. Yes, at this point,  Dustin was now the front end supervisor to my delight and horror.

As I watched Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome walk to his truck on break, I took note of which one it was to better track his comings and goings. Yes, 17 year old girls are super focused. Maybe even boarder line stalker. But Im pretty sure regardless of cuth, most people do these things. I began formulating my plot on how to obtain this perfect rebound. Making Dustin jealous was top priority.

One day, it occured to me. Todays the day, I am going to stop waiting for him to ask and ask him myself. "Its the 21st century for gods sake." To be honest, it seemed like a daring risk promising lots of excitement. At worst, he would tell people and make fun of me at work. At best, he might admit he likes me too. I felt like I had a pretty good shot. He had made it known he was happily single. Poor guy, I could fix him. Love him right. These damn adults just dont know how to treat us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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