Haffners Trailer Park

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Lace and Greg show up on my moms door at 9 pm. "Aunt Judy, moms kicked us out, may we stay with you for a little while until we get our own place?"

Little did I know, this was the beginning of my life. I was 16, my dad was in the midst of an alcohol addiction and my mom was just trying to survive on law and order reruns and old shows like matlock. As for me, I was all consumed by teenage things like My Chemical Romance Emo Band, and writing notes to my boyfriend Patrick.

The night comes you about themes when Lace and her man want to run into town. Theyve sat around the house and ate everything according to mother. I decide after another 8 hour bender from my dad that it would be best if I went too. Whats better then time with  your oldest cousin at 16? I know what youre thinking, partying, drinking, smoking. Because I was thinking that too.

It turns out, life rarely is the wild party that we all dream it to be. No, in fact, it was much more docile and responsible then that. Inspiration struck when I walked into the local Kroger. They were Hiring!!!!! I had been looking for a job since the day I turned 14. What a joke. Rumor had it that McDonalds and Diary Queen where the place to get a job at that age. However, I seemed to have no such luck. Tonight would be different. I sat down at the application kiosk and completed the long questionaire that ensured I would be a great employee. (insert sarcasm and rolling eyes) I never expected to actually get a call......

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