"Who did throw it anyways?" Simon asked walking forward. He took the dagger from Simon and looked it over. His eyes widened at the sighed. "A beautiful blade like this"

The glint of green caught Kye's eyes and she walked forward curious "I think I know. This belongs to m-" She reached for it as she spoke but was cut off half way threw as it was ripped from the dwarves hands. Everyone jumped back surprised.

The dagger flew through the air until it came to a stop, hovering several feet in the air. Everyone stared as Mineral started to slowly appear. She lowered her dagger and slid it back into it's sheath blood still on the edges. Her face was dark but surprisingly she turned and walked smoothly and calmly out the doors. The others watched confused but Kye had gone pale.

"Who was that?" Simon asked looking over at her. Kye shook her head and hurried after.

"Crystal! wait!" Kye called trying to get her to stop.

Instead, she ran with a panicked glance back over her shoulder. Kye scowled and ran after her. She caught up with her easy and pushed Crystal against the wall.

"Leave me alone!" Crystal fought to get away but in her weakened state she could barely push back. Kye held her firm and narrowed her eyes. Quickly she opened the nearest door to them, a supply closet and dragged Crystal in.

"How do we know?" she asked. Crystal stopped thrashing and stares.

"Know what?" She asked shrinking back. Kye was planning something, she could see it in her eyes.

"Who you are" Kye answered "prove it or else" her time was cool and even. It sent a chill down Crystals spine.

"I can't prove it" she replied, a lump rose in her throat from fear. Kye smirked and let her go. Crystal dropped the floor nervously and looked up at the older girl. Kye smiles down at her.

"You just did" she said softly and held out a hand to help her up. Crystal took it cautiously and stood up.

"How?" Crystal asked before Kye opened the door. Her hand paused on the handle.

"You'll probably need these for a bit" Kye said quietly. She pulled out a pair of sunglasses and handed them to Crystal.

Crystal took them confused at first but her eyes widened and quickly put them on. "thank you" she mumbled and put her head down. She quickly pulled her hood up and hung her head. Kye nodded and opened the door.



"Dad!" Creed yelled as he ran into the room, an iron helmet two sizes too big almost falling off his head. He had a big, goofball of a grin on his face. "look what we found!" he said proudly pointing to the helmet and a sword he had dropped.

Herobrine turned around and chuckled "now where did you find that?" He asked picking Creed up.

"Down the hall. There's a lot more stuff in there too" Creed said pushing the helmet out of his eyes again.

"Is there? Well let's not let this chance go to waste then" he set the boy down again and walked towards the door quickly.

"Wait! Wait up!" Creed called. he broke into a run to even keep up. Herobrine looked back and smirked before starting to run too, easily outrunning Creed.

"Dad!" Creed yelled "please wait!" Herobrine chuckled, sounding darker than usual, and ducked into one of the rooms as soon as he turned the corner.

Creed ran by quickly, a look of panic on his face. "dad?!" he stopped and looked around before disappearing. Herobrine stepped out of the room surprised.

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