What you have done Rajini

Start from the beginning

Rajan: Don't you dare Rajini... don't you dare to move. He said.

Now she understood that he is angry on her because he is calling her rajini instead of moonlight. He only calls her by her name, when he is angry on her.

Rajini: Why are you angry on me. She asked direct point.

Rajan: You Don't know. He asked her leaning close to her.

Rajini: How can i know when i don't know what i have done. She countered.

Rajan: Don't play with me rajini. He said tightening his grip on her shoulders.

Rajini: Ahh... rajan you are hurting me. She winced.

They he realized that he is held her so tightly, immediately he released her.

Rajan: Sorry... i didn't mean yo hurt you. He said in low tone.

Rajini: Rajan.... she called him softly cupping his face.

Rajini: What happened to you... why are you angry on me, please tell me. She asked him caressing his cheek. He stayed silent sometime

Rajan: Why you agree for this mission. He asked after sometime.

Rajini: Why... are you not happy with this...

Rajan: No.. moonlight i'm happy for you.... but you disappointed me preferring rudra name.. what required to prefer Rudra, we can get another person instead of her. He said looking at other side.

Rajini: Who.... she asked him, he has no answer.

Rajani: Rajan... she called me he looked her.

Rajini: Rajan.... we don't have any other choice other than rudra... you know that very well... still, i don't understanding why are you talking li.....

Rajan: I'm scared... he said cutting her.

Rajini: What. She asked him not believing what she just heard.

Rajan: I'm scared moonlight... i'm afraid she will do something to you. I still remember that day when she shoot you,.. What will happen to you if sanju didn't comes there on time, It's... it's behind my imaginations. Please moonlight drop your idea....

Rajini: Rajan...

"He is right Rajini" said Rajashekar from behind them. They parted hearing his voice.
He know about their love.

Rajashekar: Rajini... Mahadev is right, please drop your idea of involving rudra in this mission with you, it's dangerous for you.

Rajini: Uncle wh..

Before she could say Rajashekar interrupts her.

Rajashekar: Rajini... You don't have any idea what you have done. Rudra can do anything with you if she comes near you, you also know that but still why you said her name.

Rajini: Uncle But....

Rajan: I know... i know... she is capable for this mission but at least we can try right... we can try and get a officer like her... not exactly like her but at least 50% like her. He said again interrupting to convince her.

Rajini: Will you please let me speak. She said annoyed by their behavior.

Rajan: Moonlight...

Rajini: Please Rajan. She said he became silent.

Rajini: Rajan and uncle, i know if we try we can get officer like rudra but we don't have enough time for that, you both know that don't you. She asked them they don't have answer for her question.

Rajini: And you also know that how serious this matter is... if we don't start our mission as soon as possible the compensation will be behind our imaginations.

Rajashekar: I know rajini bu..

Rajini: I know uncle.. you all are worrying about me i can understand your concern and i'm thankful for that... but now it's about our nation i can't take my decision back.... rudra have to agree for this mission and she will... i know that. And coming to me If you all think we should not work together then i will back of from this mission.

"What" they both said in union

Rajini: Yeah... rudra's involvement is very important more than me and i don't think she will agree to work under me soo i think it will be better idea. She said.

Rajan: No... i don't agree for this. He said

Rajini: Then what do you want me to do han.... she yelled at him.

Rajini: You yelled at me for preferring rudra name saying she will harm me, you don't want me to work with her, agreeing with you when i'm saying i will back off from this mission you are saying i will not agree for this, what's that mean rajan what do you expecting me to do. She yelled at him.

They didn't said anything.

Rajini: What... why you became silent, Why are you not answering me. She asked but they remain silent.

Rajashekar: Rajini..... don't get angry on him ma... he is just worried about you. He said to make her cool.

Rajini: I know uncle.... she said in low tone and looked at rajan

Rajini: Rajan i know you worried about me but this not for us... it's about our people and i'm not stepping back from this. Me and rudra is going to work together no matter what and you please remember one more thing rudra is my sister not my enemy. She said and walked away without waiting for their answers.

Rajan: Stubborn. He murmured

Rajashekar: They are. He said smiling


Same day night.

Snaju and Rajashekar phone conversation.

Sanju: What are you talking nanna.. rudra working with rajini akka... it's impossible nanna... you know how rudra behaves when she see rajini akka. She asked her father

Rajashekar: I know sanju but rajini is so stubborn in her decision she is one who preferred rudra name. He said

Sanju: What... how can she nanna... is she gone mad.

Rajashekar: Sannu...

Sanju: I'm sorry nana... but how can she do this... she know about rudra but again she want to face her. Why can't you stop her nanna. She said

Rajashekar: I tried sanju, but she is so stubborn like rudra, she didn't listened me neither rajan. He said sighing.

A few minute's silence.

Sanju: Ok nanna... what do you want me to now. She said breaking the silence.

Rajashekar: You also going work with them, Rudra only listens to you, so i thought if you there with them at least you can stop rudra when she tried to harm rajini. He explained

Sanju: Ok nanna, i'm okay with this.

Rajashekar: okay then, come here tomorrow morning flight, i will tell you full details here. He said

Sanju: Ok..

Rajashekar: And on more thing don't say rudra that rajini also involving in this matter, i will explain her everything after coming here, you just tell her that it's just a formal meeting. He said

Sanju: I will do it as you... ok we will you meet tomorrow. She said and ended the call.

What you have done rajini akka, how can you forgot about your sister. She asked herself.

Here is the 5th chapter of the story. How is it...

Hope you like this update, And some guesses is right

If u find any errors pls don't mind

Dedicating this Priya_Sweety thank you for  your wonderful stories.

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