how sex really is. 😻🎅👿🐵😸💀😃⭕

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Now people do not really explain how sex is besides how amazing and wonderful it felt .-.

Now no...LMAO for virgins let's start with you

Now do not be scared make sure you consent and make sure to be comfortable and use protect for your first time I would suggest to use a bed, go gentle not hard sex, make sure to use protection, let loose do not be stiff it will be more painful, and always consent.

Now for girls if you are a virgin and are ready to have your first time make sure you are a 100% and its okay if you dont cum the first time. But make sure you use lube and have your partner (unless your a homosexual) use a condom :)

(Use a condom for the purpose of not getting sexually transmitted diseases and also to not get pregnant.)

I am going to say this you have a bone in yo vagina oki... Uhm what happens is that when a penis goes into you it pretty much breaks now there is a possibility of blood do not get scared okay it is natural.

Next is at first there is discomfort and some pain just wait a bit take deep breaths relax and it will start to feel good.

Now there is a overwhelming feeling sometimes and there is a very good weird feeling in which sometimes it feels like you need to pee it is okay let it go.

Always after sex go to the bathroom to clean up and make sure to pee it helps with UTI's and make sure to clean your body by taking a shower and etc. Also bring a extra pillow case and blanket you don't know who tf has been on there bed.

Alright no sex is not glorious the first time but it always depends on the person anyway I hope this was helpful :>

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