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Y/n's POV

It had been a week since I began working the two jobs. I am working everyday and I was tired. Regardless of how tired I am, I have to keep going for my family. 

I got my first paycheck and thankfully it is enough to make ends meet when combined with my mother's paycheck. Sadly, while we are able to make ends meet, we won't have anything to put into savings. We will be living paycheck to paycheck.

I got home and helped my mother start making dinner. While I am helping my mother, I am also helping my siblings with their homework. I feel like in reality I have three jobs. 

When dinner was complete, we sat down and began to eat. The food was delicious as always and it made me happy. I wouldn't trade this for anything. While we were eating someone knocked on the door. 

We all looked towards the door and then towards each other. "I will get it." I said as I stood up. When I opened the door, I saw three tall, very muscular men standing at the door. They looked like they have killed people before. I was scared.

"C-Can I help you?" I asked scared. "Where is Y/f/n?" One of the men asked. "He isn't here. He left us." I said. They looked like they didn't believe me. They pushed me aside and entered the house. 

"Hey! You can't just force your way in here!" I yelled. The three men ignored me. They searched the house for my father. When they were done they came to the dining room where we were all standing. 

"Your father owes us a lot of money. 500,000 dollars to be exact. Seeing as he is not here, we will be collecting the money from you." One of the men said. "There is no way we can come up with that kind of money!" My mother yelled.

The three men came closer to my mother. They were intimidating. "You have 1 week to get us the money. You don't want to know what will happen if you do not pay us. Our boss will not be happy if he does not get his money." 

The men left without another word. No one could finished their dinner after that scare. I looked at my mother. Neither of us said as word but I knew we were thinking the same thing. How are we going to come up with $500,000 in a week? 

At the current pay and the amount of hours mom and I both work, it would take more than 5 years to come with that money and that is only if we didn't spend a penny. I have no idea how we are to come up with that amount of money.

My anger with my father grew even more. He ran like a coward after borrowing a huge sum of money and then left us to deal with the consequences. What punishment will our family have to endure if we cannot come up with that money? Will they kill us?

I cleaned up the dishes after dinner and got my brothers and sisters ready for bed. They somberly got ready for bed without saying a word. No child should have to be burdened by this and yet here we are. 

After everyone was in bed, I decided to go for a walk. I needed to clear my head. I put on a light jacket before heading outside. 

The weather had begun to cool down as we entered autumn. There was a nice gentle breeze that relaxed and calmed me down as I walked in the night. I didn't know where I was going. I just walked. 

Eventually I came to a small playground. I sat on one of the swings and began to swing slowly. I was in my own world. There were a few people walking around but I didn't pay any attention. I was trying to think of any possible way to obtain that 500,000 dollars quickly. 

I was so immersed in my own head that I barely noticed an older gentleman sit down on the swing next to me. 

"What in the world has your mind so preoccupied?" The man asked. "Huh?" I responded as I was brought back to reality. The man repeated his question. 

"My father borrowed a large sum of money. Afterwards he left my family and is no where to be found. Now the loan sharks are demanding the full amount be repaid in a week. I have no idea how to obtain that much money. Even if my mother and I work three jobs, everyday, we still would not be able to come up with it. I just want someway to help my family. I have a few younger siblings and I don't want them to suffer." I explained. 

"That is quite a problem. However, I may have a solution for you." The man said. I looked up in surprise. "How?!" I asked, a little too eagerly. 

The man handed me a business card. "There is a black market auction. You can sell anything from weapons, to organs, to people. I know it is probably not what you wanted to hear but it may be your only option."

I took the business card and looked at it. "What sells for the most?" I asked. "Honestly, it is people that sell for the most. You have to maintain the lie that you are working for pay instead of the fact that you were sold. You will have to leave your family and the chance that you would see them again is very slim." He said. 

I looked back at the card. I want to do everything possible to help my family but could I actually sell myself. What would my potential buyer want with me? Would I be used for sexual acts, as a maid, or would they make me fight? 

"Thank you sir for your advice. One more question. When does the auction take place?" I asked. "It happens every night around 8pm. You will need to be there at 5pm if you decide to participate in the auction." The man said. 

I stood up and bowed to the gentleman before walking off. I didn't go home yet. I kept walking and thinking about my possible solution to this horrendous problem. I could sell myself and help my family. Or I could not sell myself and who knows if they will kill us. 

I was walking around for so long that I began to see the sun rise. I started to head home. I knew what I had to do whether I liked it or not. I would not let my family be harmed, especially when I have a chance to save them. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know this is a shorter chapter but I didn't want to put too much into one. I felt like this was a good place to end this chapter. 

I was lucky enough to attend the Speak Yourself Concert on May 4th. It was beyond amazing. I hope I get to see them again soon. 

Love yall


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