Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A man in his early thirties sat on his swivel chair behind his large glass covered mahogany desk, head resting on the back of his seat, one hand twirling a pen. He carelessly threw the pen on the desk and got up, exasperated at the recent turn out of his deal with the person that just left his office. He stood by the window overlooking the city of Aspen, hands on his pockets, and squint his eyes on the little cars far down below.

"Losing your control, Theodore Damian?" A voice was heard after the door was opened and closed.

"I told my secretary no one is to bother me. Maybe I should fire her." Teddy turned around and glared at his visitor. "What is it, Kyle?"

Kyle Monty, Teddy's best friend smirked and slumped his body on the long black leather couch in front of Teddy's desk. He's wearing his casual clothes, seemingly ready for the Friday night that awaits young bachelors like him.

"You need to sharpen the edge of that control freak you call ego, my friend. You're losing it. Or do we need to just dull it completely?"

Kyle earned a glare for such suggestion. He chuckled even more. "...Hey, you can't be picky with business partners. Granted you're the one most sought after investment in the country. That one who just left seemed promising, wasn't he?"

Teddy groaned at Kyle's little nagging.

"What about a new sugar baby? It will help you loosen up." Kyle suggested.

Teddy rolled his eyes and sat in front of Kyle. He sighed and hit the back of his head on the back rest of the couch. He closed and opened his eyes then stared at the smooth and thick blue and white stripes paint on the ceiling. "They bored me. And then they became clingy."

"Tsk. I've suggested a bunch of ridiculous things, buddy. And honestly, I ran out."

Teddy snorted a little laugh.

"Hey, how about we just enjoy the night like we used to in college, huh. Drink. Have sex with beautiful girls without a care for tomorrow. Maybe pass out on a side walk for all I care."

Teddy took a clean unused ashtray and threw it to his friend. "Idiot." Kyle wad fast enough to catch it. "That was like a decade ago, Kyle. And I don't want to pass out on a side walk and then be possibly get stabbed after getting robbed."

Kyle's eyes sparkled on an idea. "Well...let's pretend to be college boys again then wear commoner's clothes the way we used to pretend back in the days."

As children of the elite, Teddy and Kyle used to escape their bodyguards and hung out with common people. They would pretend like they were one of them. Just...regular people.

Teddy squinted his eyes and slowly a smile crept on his face. He's had to manage his temper these past few months dealing with one possible business partner after another. He knows he needed to let lose before he could get back his control again.

"Sure, why not." Teddy agreed and stood up to call his secretary. "Zeanne, tell my EA to not disturb me for the next two days." He spoke on the intercom.

"Yes, Mr. K."

Teddy and Kyle, clad in their casual, purposely made used looking clothes, enough to be mistaken as regular guys out for fun had entered a small club located close to Aspen University.

As night went on, Teddy sat by the bar while Kyle began mingling with the youngsters and went as far as asking them to come home with him.

"Damn! These kids are so shallow these days." Kyle commented while him and Teddy were having a drink at the bar.

Teddy raised a brow at Kyle. "Are you to judge?"

"Tsk. I'm just saying." He gulped his beer before he continued. "I asked this girl if she wanted to come with me after I had bragged about me being a construction worker. She totally rejected me. With disgust might I add. Guh! Isn't that a bit much?"

Teddy snickered. "They're just being practical, Kyle. There's nothing wrong with that. And besides, they're just students." Realization hit him before he could say more. "Damn it! I sound like an old man."

Kyle chortled at his friend's remark. "Hey! At least you're not tensed anymore. I told you coming here will loosen you up."

Teddy had actually began to mellow down and relax while recalling the face of the waiter he spotted earlier. The said waiter had caught his attention after he had punched one of the patrons for touching his behind inappropriately.

Now, Teddy is guessing that the said waiter was fired given that he disappeared to the manager's office then came out, angry but crestfallen.

'He looked so young to be working here. Huh...'

Teddy had a small but playful smile on his lips. "...not all kids are shallow, Kyle."

Kyle wasn't listening. He's already caught another target. Teddy shook his head as he drank more. The two of them came to the club on a taxi and are planning to go home the same way. Getting drunk wouldn't be a problem.

Usually when they go clubbing in expensive places, they would be driving their cars, accompanied by women in their shiny and revealing outfits.

Teddy chuckle as he thought of his current situation.

'I'm totally invisible here. No one to ask me to partner on their stupid ventures. No one to ask me to marry their daughter. No one to invite me to some fancy dinner.

...This is good. I'm glad this moron suggested his idea.'

Teddy looked at his friend winking at him as he talked to a young man who seemed very shy and looked like he didn't want to be in such place.

'Good lord. He's hitting on boys now. Good luck, dimples kid.'


A little past midnight, Teddy left the club after Kyle left with the boy he met. He told Teddy he was just sending the shy kid home.

'Yeah, right.' Teddy thought as he staggered by the sidewalk outside the club. He walked about a few meters to get his drunkenness off only to fall completely on the side. He ended up falling next to the club's dumpster.


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