Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The night was cold when a young man left his home - an island full of happy and sad memories.

"Where are we going, P'Seb?" His little brother asked him as they boarded the last boat from Calanchi island heading to the mainland.

Seb hugged his brother close. The six year old is sitting on his lap clinging to his brother. "We're starting a new life, Bran. P'Seb will find a job so we can have a new home."

Brandon's head tilted at the mention of the word home. He looked up and saw the tears falling down from his big brother's eyes. "O-okay. But don't cry anymore, P'Seb."

Seb didn't notice his little brother see him cry. He quickly wiped his tears and pulled the six year old back to his chest. "It's just... I'm gonna miss our place. But we couldn't stay there anymore. That's why I'll find work so we can build a new home."

It's only been a few weeks since their parents passed away from the fire that burnt their home to ashes. Seb was just getting back from his college in the city when he arrived home that night only to be met by their family home being engulfed in fire.

Brandon was saved by their mother. His father didn't make it out after he had gotten his wife out and younger son and then went back to save their two dogs. Seb and Brandon's mother died from the injuries she sustained while keeping flames and falling debris away from her youngest son.

Her last words to Seb,
"Take care of each other. I entrust you with your little brother. Build a new home for him. And find love, Seb. Your dad and I love you so much."

As the boat nears one of the ports to the mainland, Seb silently prayed and made his promise once again.

'I will, Ma. I will build a home for Bran. No matter what I have to do...'

Six months later...

"I'm sorry, Seb. This part of the city will soon be demolished for the new mall to be built. You can't live here anymore. I'm really sorry." Seb's landlord said after knocking one morning at the door of his apartment he got for him and Bran.

Seb clenched his fists as he nodded to his landlord.

He knew it was coming a month before. Yet he hoped and prayed it wouldn't. Bran had just finished kindergarten. Now he has to find another place he can afford. Another school for Bran, too.

Working as a waiter at night and an English tutor during the day so far were enough for them to have a roof over their head, buy their basic necessities, pay their bills and Bran's school fees. He was very lucky to find the apartment when he moved to the city. It was cheap and the landlord and his wife were very kind to him and his little brother.

"I know I said before that maybe I could hold them off but this building is too small to stand a chance. The others had already sold their properties to the mall. I'm the only one left."

Seb could understand the pressure his landlord was in. If he was to keep the building, it wouldn't take long until he crumbled to nothing after the cost rises along with the tax imposed on the said place.

The world out there is unfair especially when the money talks and takes the side of the more powerful ones coupled with the corruption of politicians who can be bought by the bigger businesses.

Seb smiled thinly. "We'll start packing, P'James. I understand. Don't beat yourself up. P'Jean must be feeling so bad right now. Please tell her I'm not upset with her. Sooner or later, this will happen anyway."

James, Seb's landlord nodded and left the front of Seb's door.

"We're moving, P'Seb?" Bran asked while he put his personal things inside his own backpack.

Seb was putting their clothes inside a big suitcase. There are a few boxes ready for their other things to be put in. "Yes, Bran. I found a new place. It's even close to your new school."

The almost seven year old wanted to say something but chose to close his mouth. Seb noticed the dejected look on his brother's face. It's the same as when they left Calanchi. "What's wrong?" He asked after stopping what he was doing and sat next to his brother on the bed they both share.

"It's nothing, P'Seb."

"Tell me...please?"

"Um... I won't be able to see Justin anymore, will I?" Justin is their landlords' son, same age as Bran.

Seb hugged his little brother close and repeatedly kissed the top of his hair. "Don't worry. I'll try to keep in touch with his parents. Maybe on weekends and i don't have work, we can go to their new house and visit."

Bran's face lit up and hugged his big brother back. "You're the best, P'Seb! I love you."

"I love you, too." He smiled and then looked down to pinch his brother's chubby cheeks. "Now, help me pack so we can leave tomorrow early."


As Seb watched his little brother put their comforters inside one of the boxes, his chest tightened.

'I just hope my savings don't run out before I could find a new job.'

Along with their move, Seb has to get a new job. Based on his calculations, it wouldn't be practical to keep his current jobs while living in another city.

'Ma...Pa... Watch over us, please.'

* * *

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