Chapter 2

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Warning this is unedited!

Word Count: 942


Right as I start to nod off, I hear a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I ask yawning while sitting up.

"It's mum," and right after she finished talking, the door opened. I roll my eyes and she comes in.

"Do you need something?" I ask as she sits on the end of my bed.

"We haven't talked in a while, I thought maybe we could go out and get a coffee or a tea?"

I smile a bit at the fact that she remembered that I don't like coffee and reply, "that'd be nice. Although, I'm a little upset that you woke me up right as I was about to sleep."

"I'm sorry dear, but I also came to tell you that dinner's ready. Hope you like pot roast," she gets up and walks towards the door, "James is thinking of having some friends over, so if you want to have some over, it's okay."

I snort, "I don't think Lily would like being in such close contact with James for a week."

Mum smiles and walks down the stairs and I get out of my wonderful, warm, and comfortable bed.

I slide my feet down towards where house elves are setting up dinner; away from my sanctuary - my wonderful bed. Sitting next to James, he sees my expression and laughs, "what crawled up your ass and died?"

"Shut it James."

"My dear twin sister, I would never do anything to hurt you!"

"Yeah, that explains first year." First year James was so dead set on leaving me behind and making sure that he sets such a good reputation and that I was not to be around him that he would find ways to ditch me to hang out with his friends.

Mum and dad walk in and we look over at them. "Please don't tell me that my children are fighting again," mum sighs exasperated and James and I quickly share a look.

"We would never fight," I start and James jumps in.

"Ever." Mum and dad sit down and we start eating. Conversation starts up and eventually school gets brought up.

James and I groan in unison when we realize that school is starting soon. That means that there is homework that needs to get done, and essays that are not going to write themselves as much as we hope that they would.

"So Jamesie, are the boys coming over?" I look over at him while also standing up.

"Looks that way," he also gets up. We bring our plates to the kitchen and head up to our separate rooms.


I wake up to the sun beaming down harshly on my face but also the smell of bacon. "Please don't tell me," I mutter while pulling my covers off.

Walking down the stairs, I find three boys sitting in the kitchen eating and joking around.

"Morning boys," I wave towards their direction. Grabbing a little of everything, I silently listen to their conversation.

"You're not understanding Pads, do you understand how much easier it is to fly forwards  than to fly backwards?"

"It is so much cooler to ride around backwards. Also admit it, it's fun."

"I never said anything about it not being fun!"

I look over at Remus, "how do you survive them?"

"Honestly, if I knew I would tell you. Would you happen to know where any chocolate is?"

I look around the kitchen, "check the cabinet on the top right? Otherwise check James' room."

"What about my room?"

"I was saying that your room is a complete bloody pigsty."

"Not true," I give him a look and he sighs, "okay maybe it's true."

"That's better," I smile and Sirius looks between all of us.

"Is there something that I'm missing?"

"A good relationship with your sibling," the room gets quiet and I feel everyone looking at me. Judging from the look Sirius has, that must have been the wrong thing to say. "I, uh, I didn't thi- I didn't mean that." I stumble over my words. "Uh, I'm going to, uh, leave. Sorry." I slowly get quieter with every word I say until I'm whispering.

I quickly got out of the kitchen with my plate of food and I head to my room.

"Great, I fucked up once again," I mutter sarcastically as I slam the door shut with my foot. "The one guy you find cute, and you go and make a joke out of the one thing he never talks about."

Sighing, I set my food at my desk. Looking at all my schoolwork, I shove it off of my desk. It hits the floor with a loud bang as I fall into my chair.

"And I thought this was going to be a good summer," I muse while snacking on my bacon. After a couple minutes, I'm picking at my food while thoughts keep flooding my mind.


I'm watching the sun set when there is a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I ask, my voice muffled by my covers.

"Your bestest friend in the world," Lily sing-songs through the door.

"Lily Evans!" I jump up and throw my door open. I hug her tightly as she laughs.

"Can't breathe," she manages to choke out and I let go of her. "Wow you look like hell."

I laugh, "thanks, that's what I needed to hear." I pull her into my room and shut the door.

"Love what you done with the place," I follow her gaze and see the full plate of food from breakfast. Lily grabs my hands and pulls me towards my bed. "Seriously, are you okay?"

"I'm just a little tired," I force a smile feeling bad for lying through my teeth.

"Alright, well if you need to talk I'm here."

This time I genuinely smile, "Thanks Lily, you're the best."

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