Chap. 2: The Last Battle

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Chapter 2: The last battle

Author: ...I don't really know what to say but I'm working on it! Thanks for reading, I hope u like it. :)


Absolute darkness fell right after the starting signal was given out. The instructor took our senses away with his jutsu, only allowing us to feel and see. If we can see in the dark, that is.

I leaped backwards immediately, dimming my own chakra and sensing for others. I was a little panicked. Quite a few of the survivors of the last round had the Sharingan, giving them a large advantage in the darkness, which was also why they won the last few battles. I vaguely hoped that they would kill each other, even though it was selfish.

Self-confidence. I kept my feet on my toes, and held my palms out, waiting for any chakra flares and vibrations that would give out my opponents' location. A figure on my left went down after a sharp jab in the kidney. I winced when I heard the thud from the fall. Another life taken by me. The nightmares would never end.

Don't lose a fight until you really do. I turned and lashed out two aimed kicks at two unseen figures, breaking their ribs in the process. I could sense different chakras flickering and disappearing on every part of the room. Deflecting an attack sent towards my stomach, I broke the attacker's trachea with two fingers. My left arm stung from defending myself from attacks.

Keep it up, keep it up, you're doing well. I felt myself weaken, both mentally and physically. Only three other enemies were left, and all possessed the Sharingan. I knew them because they were the exact same opponents from my last fight. One chance, just one chance.


All four of us paused. Only one needs to be killed now. I could sense the fear emanating from one of them. That would be my target.

I pushed myself forward with a burst of chakra, taking advantage of the target's fear by releasing a fair amount of killing intent. When my target froze, I broke his neck with one swift action, ending the fight at once. When I stood back after the attack, I suddenly realized there was only one other opponent alive. That kill was unnecessary.

The lights in the arena shone once again, revealing a boy that I've met a few times in one of the neighbouring cells behind me. Blood was splattered all over his left side.

"Aaa, No. 16," the boy started," glad to see you here." He grinned, albeit a little sadly, the blood on him dripping down.

"No. 9," I nodded, a rare smile threatening to surface, "same here."


The instructor landed in front of them, “Congratulations on passing your last test. You are now new genin of the Shadow. “

 He handed them their hitai-ate and a form,”You will start new training tomorrow at 6 a.m. here. Your new room is one floor above, the one at the left end. You have five minutes to decide on a group name, codenames and to fill up this form.”

Both of them discussed silently to fill up the form.

“So,” She began. “So,” He repeated.

“Kage Tora?” The both of them smiled at each other.

“Glad you agree, No. 9,” No.16 said. “I wouldn’t want to go against you.”

“Of course, 16, great minds think alike.” No. 9 grinned. “I guess I’ll call you Usagi.”

“You can be Tora.”


-End of chp.2-

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