chapter 6

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Once again quite early in the morning, Harry was woken up. The baby stretched and yawned cutely as his daddy picked him up and carried him over to the changing table, laying the boy down on it and getting to work of changing his damp nappy.The boy is too tired to even hear the coos his daddy was making towards him, only hearing a blurred voice, but it was okay for he felt like he is falling back asleep. "Oi, cheeky mister, you can sleep again very soon" Louis crooned, taping a new nappy around the boy's waist before picking him up. Harry simply buried into his daddy's shoulder, whining a little when his daddy laid him on the bed at the loss of contact, however he immediately began falling asleep again.Louis dressed his baby in a simple baby blue vest as the heating is on full in the house and it's getting a bit unbearable. "Auntie Perrie and Baby Jade are popping 'round for a visit today. Not that you'll be doing much. I don't like having you out of my arms" Louis explained softly, sauntering out to the kitchen with his very sleepy baby.He heated up a bottle before strolling into the kitchen, deciding he would only attempt to feed Harry solids at dinner time.Sitting down on one of the couch chairs, Louis held Harry in the feeding position and started feeding the baby, cooing as Harry put both of his little hands on top of his much larger ones. "I learned from my mistake yesterday that we shouldn't go over the top on the solid foods, I have to remember that your not Niall. You see Niall likes all the disgusting ones, well in fact he likes all the flavors, but I think for my baby boy I shall stick with just feeding you plain flavors, that was I won't have to deal with an upset tummy" Louis bopped Harry on the nose, the baby crinkling his nose in return.Louis didn't even have a chance to stop Harry to burp him in-between the feed as the little lad just kept on going with the harsh gulping down of the milk. Harry saw the repercussions of not having a burp in-between for his stomach started aching alarmingly. "Oh dear" Louis cooed sadly at his baby's red, scrunched-up face. "You may have drunk it too quickly, little one. No worries, daddy 'l make it better" he promised beginning to rub the baby's back and tummy.Harry let out a big burp, only for the very rough burp to actually hurt him, resulting in more tears and a louder scream. "Oh I know, I know" Louis kept rubbing the boys back hoping to calm the boy down. "D-Luuuu" Harry tried to cry out, though it shocked him when he tried to call out the one word he hasn't used in years......'daddy'.To be honest even Louis felt a little blown back as his baby is trying to speak to him, trying to reach out for him......rely on him."I know it hurts, now maybe you will let me burp you in-between feedings huh? I don't want an upset tummy or anything that will cause my handsome lad to be sick. Now Daddy is going to put you in your bouncer so Daddy can get his breakfast yeah? Good boy" Louis put his baby in the bouncer, heading off into the kitchen to make himself a bowl of special K and a bottle of water for Harry to sooth his throat.He set the water down, deciding it could wait until after his own breakfast (it wouldn't take that long to eat) and turned his baby's bouncer around so he was facing the couch where Louis was sat at, then tucked into his breakfast, turning on the morning news.Harry simply stared at his daddy, rocking himself back and forth slightly in his bouncer, which got a smile out of him. "Is that fun, baby?" Louis chuckled, wiping the milk from around his own mouth. Harry continued to kick his legs so the bouncer would move back and forward, however after a few minutes he started to feel a little dizzy and so decided to just settle back into the object.Louis watched the scene in front of him, it seemed that as each day passed, his little Harry gets more and more into his headspace. Alright he isn't totally into his headspace, nor is he in any direct headspace....but it's something and something is more than nothing."Let daddy go and put his bowl in the kitchen, I will be back with some water for you" Harry watched as Louis strode into the kitchen, is sure seemed that Louis is better. "I'm back baby boy. Here you go. I want you to drink this slowly this time, got it? If not daddy will just take it away from you" Harry nodded sluggishly, his throat is killing him after being winded, but I guess it was his fault in a way of why that happened.Indeed, the boy did actually listen and suckled slowly from the bottle. Louis stopped him a quarter of the way through the feed and began winding his baby. Although Harry was unhappy that his water had been taken away so quickly, he knew that Louis was just doing what was best for him, so he sat, waiting and burped when he needed to."Good boy" Louis praised lovingly, Harry blushed before beginning to drink from the bottle again. When the feed was done with, Harry was burped again before Louis laid him in his activity gym, deciding on doing some cleaning up before the guests arrived. With Zayn, he didn't really care if he thought his house was messy, but with other people, he certainly did.He needed to set a good example of him to guests, they can't think of him being messy around his baby, leaving things out that could harm his little....but Louis is far from fact you could call him being slightly OCD if nothing else.Harry laid in his activity gym, looking up at the birds he had met just the other day. Bringing a hand up to the birds that hung above his head, Harry let out an excited squeal when the birds flew around and actually made a noise. The little lad did it more, that is until the fact that the birds made noise didn't seem to interest him anymore."Oh, don't be grumpy little one" Louis chuckled, taking a look at Harry's bored face. The little whined, stretching his arms out to his daddy. "One minute sweetheart, then I'll pick you up" he promised, giving the living room one final dust before putting the cleaning objects away.It is perfect timing, for just as Louis was bringing his little one to his chest, the doorbell rang. "Aaaand it looks like the guests are here" Louis announced excitedly, jiggling Harry in his arms slightly before sauntering to the front door. When he opened it, he is greeted with a short brunette girl holding onto a taller, blonde's arms.Whilst the brunette is small and skinny, the blonde is curvy and a lot more woman-like. Both were beautiful."Hey, Pez. Hey, little Jadey" Louis greeted, giving the brunette a little hair ruffle. The brunette, 'Jadey' grinned. "Hi, Uncle Lou! Mummy, look! It's a baby!" she squealed, pointing at Harry. "Yes, Jade, this is my baby Harry. Do you two want to come in? I was just gonna change this little one and then we can have a chat," Louis suggested, smiling."Sure, do you want me to make tea while you take care of the little one?" Perrie asked taking off her coat and helping her little one with hers. "ERM yeah go on then, I'll be back in Ten minutes. Help yourselves to whatever" louis stated heading into his room to change Harry."Look at my handsome boy!" Louis cooed, blowing a raspberry on his baby's tummy when his vest was unfastened. There was no need to lift it up, but Louis couldn't help himself, his baby's tummy is just too cute.The man wiped down his baby, making sure every trace of urine was gone, as he wanted to ensure his baby didn't get a rash, the man then rubbed cream on the boy's bum before powdering him all up. He placed a sneaky kiss on one of the boy's back thighs making Harry squeal and then refastened his vest before picking him up.He carried Harry into the living room, only to find Jade sprawled out on the carpet with her coloring book, she looked up at Harry and grinned. "Uncle Lou, can da baby play with me?" Louis chuckled, sitting down and letting Harry nestle in his arms. "Sorry sweetheart, but he's a bit too little to colour. Why don't you draw him a picture? I'll stick it up on my fridge for everyone to see" Louis suggested.Jade gasped, immediately flicking through her coloring book, until it landed on a baby."This is Hawwy, kay? I know he doesn't have any hair and Hawwy does, but I'll draw some on, kay, Uncle Lou?"Louis smiled fondly. "Sounds like a plan, love." Louis cooed, shaking his head fondly at the little girl who dug into her coloring book that she brought with her along with colors, claiming she needed to bring them, well when there is a little baby around you kind of need some entertainment.Louis and Perrie stared at the young girl for a short while, chuckling as Jade stuck her tongue out in concentration. "So how is she doing?" Louis asked turning to face his guest, Harry snuggling into his chest. "Better, where getting there. Sometimes she has her days and other times she can be an angel. How about you and Harry?" Perrie asked back sipping from her tea."Ha, he is a fussy one, he's a little skeptical at the moment about the idea, but he seems to be warming up to me" Louis answered back lifting Harry up from where the boy was laid on his chest so he could take a sip of tea, Harry watching the man's every move with glistening eyes. "Daddies tea little man, not for you" Louis stated seeing the boy give his drink a look."He's adorable!" Perrie exclaimed, the two adults getting into another conversation about whatever topic they desire. Harry eyes the drink that he saw Louis put on the coffee table next to them by the sofa.Living on the streets you tend to not know what things are, how they taste or anything so it's understandable if Harry happened to be curious at what his daddy is drinking, leaning over from where he sat on Louis's lap, Harry took his left hand and dipped it into the toffee color water....only to throw his hand back to his chest in shock before shoving them in his mouth and started crying, not just crying but full on wailing, just like a little baby would."Oh baby no, no" Louis sighed, taking his baby's hand out of his mouth and blowing it gently. Perrie rushed off, claiming that she'd get a little cup of water, Jade getting up to follow her mummy whilst Harry continued to bawl into his daddy's chest. "I should've been watching you, sweetheart. You don't know any better. Oh daddy's sorry, yes he is" Louis cooed, thanking Perrie when she returned with a plastic cup filled with ice water.The man gently dipped Harry's red fingers into the fluid, relieved when the baby's cries became quieter and quieter until eventually, he is only letting out little sniffles every now and then. Louis himself felt like crying at that moment however, it is only day three of having Harry and being a new daddy and he had already messed up."It's okay, Lou. Just an accident" Perrie reassured the man, seeing the tense look on his face."The first week I had Jade, I left one of my slippers lying around, little Jade slipped and got a nasty bruise on her bum. It's a learning process, pet."Louis just nodded, feeling slightly better, letting his baby cuddle into him. He knows now not to leave anymore boiling cups of tea within his tiny baby's reach. It wasn't a problem really though, it's not like Harry would be trying to touch them anytime soon!As louis comforted his baby boy, Jade had walked up to her mummy with her coloring book, her master piece perfected and finished ready to give to Uncle Lou, but of course first of all like any child, Jade wanted to show her mummy first before showing Louis."Look mummy! I drawed baby Harry! Baby has hair like baby Harry!" Jade proclaimed shoving her coloring book on Perrie's lap. "It looks wonderful baby girl! Give Uncle Louis a moment and then you can give it to him" Perrie confirmed, giving her friend a moment o fully calm his little down."Have you been potty Jade?" Perrie asked as she had been potty training her baby girl for a little while, Jade having to wear pull ups for the time being until both mummy and little are confident enough."No mummy, 'm okay" Jade replied, watching as louis calmed Harry down, pulling a draw from under the table beside the couch next to him to reveal a blue dummy. "What wrong with the baby?" Jade asked parking herself on her mummies lap."Baby Harry has just hurt himself is all, don't worry the little baby will be all better soon" jade nodded, crawling over across the sofa reaching Harry. "Uncle Lou, can I give baby harry a hug? Make him all better?" Jade asked cutely batting her lashes."Sure but be careful with him alright? I think I will feed him a bottle and put him down four a nap" louis suggested, minding jade with his baby. Harry looked up as he felt unexpected arms around him, eyeing the little girl but not doing anything as he is in his daddy arms, nothing will happen to him."There all better!" Jade announced proudly setting back in her mummies lap."Did that make you better baby boy?" Louis asked kissing his baby's curls. Harry nodded against Louis's chest, too tired to move much. "Jade, can you bring that" louis pointed to the basinet "over here please" louis pointed next to him on the floor by the sofa, the little girl running off and doing as she it told, squealing as she got to help her uncle louis.He set the baby in his bouncer, it being turned towards the couch before leaving to the kitchen. Perrie huffed, folding her arms, she was a good mummy, having had Jade for nearly two years, who is Louis to judge her?Well, maybe she is a bit...demanding of things in her dominant personality, only liking things to go her way. In her opinion, she was a bloody good mummy after all! Perrie had actually signed up to be a part of the daycare in working, but the staff found her a little...controlling and obsessive.As a doctor, she'd still have control but not as much. When his daddy was out of sight, little Harry started crying. How could his daddy leave him when he had just been hurt? Perrie cooed at the little babe and instead of calling Louis in, or letting Louis hear that his baby is crying (as he'd surely run in) the woman simply leaned forward and hoisted the little one into her own arms, sitting back against the comfortable couch and getting cosy with Harry in her arms.Perrie would love a baby boy, but Jade would most probably get jealous as when Zayn had fetched the girl off of the streets, he claimed that the girl was in a rough street fight with a gang of snobby schoolgirls, she'd done some good damage on them. Plus, she'd rather have another baby with another person...she had her eye on someone in the community after all. But, she was content with babysitting Harry too, he is just so cute!Harry furrowed his brows as the woman laid him against his breast and stroked his hair. Firstly, he was honestly a bit confused as to what is the padding the woman had on underneath? His daddy and Zayn and Liam didn't have what seemed to be cushions under their shirts! And secondly, why is this lady holding him? He is little, but even he understood that daddy had given strict orders on leaving the boy in his baby bouncer. "Oh, you're a handsome boy, aren't you? Yes you are!" she cooed, bouncing Harry against her bare knees. Harry frowned, causing her to laugh."Oh, is somebody grumpy?"Jade ran over after getting the bassinet set up (really she had just been moving it around) and smiled at baby Harry, reaching a hand out to stroke his hair. The little girl jumped when her mummy scolded her. "No, Jade be gentle. Mummy doesn't want to have to smack your bum again" she warned. Jade pouted, but nodded, drawing her hand back to only approach Harry slower than before."Good girl."Perrie praised. "Mummy, maybe he's moody because his bum needs changing?" Jade indicated, knowing that everyone she knew who wore nappies always got fussy when they needed a change. Perrie nodded, smiling. "Oh, that's a good idea, baby. Let Auntie Perrie check your bum, sweetheart" she cooed, patting the boy's bottom very gently.Harry huffed, squealed and then started sobbing. It was one thing getting changed by his daddy and 'uncles', but he would not be changed by this pretty lady! "What's goin' on?" Louis inquired, sauntering into the room with a warm bottle in hand. "You...took him out of the bouncer?" Louis sighed, crossing his arms. The 'auntie' simply raised her eyebrows. "He was crying, so I picked him up. I know how to deal with little#s, Louis" the woman stated rather aggressively, handing the baby over to his daddy reluctantly."I'm not saying that you don't know how to look after a little, I'm just angered over the fact that you took him out of his bouncer when I said that I was going to put him in there and leave him till I came back" Louis stated, trying not to raise his voice as to not wanting to scare Harry. "I'm sorry Lou, but what would you do if Jade was in Harry's shoes and you where in mine? You would pick her up too wouldn't you? Just like I did just now with Harry" Perrie equally argued back, all she wanted was a hold of the boy, but I guess with Perrie being the way that she is, whatever she wants....she gets.Louis sighed rubbing at his head with one hand. "I'm sorry alright? But I'm sure you where the same when you first got Jade where you not?" Louis commented as Perrie felt a little guilty, her friend is just being protective of his little one just like she was with her little girl, though we can safely say that Perrie was worse, still is sometimes."It's me that's meant to be sorry, not you" Perrie found herself saying, looking away slightly embarrassed, she meant it too."I shouldn't have been so needy in holding him, he's just so gorgeous that I couldn't take my hand off of him when I saw him calling out for you. I'm sorry" Perrie stood up and hugged Louis, careful as to not squish Harry.Harry found himself confused yet again as he laid against Louis's chest. Louis didn't have cushions like Auntie Perrie did. Oh well maybe Louis's are just hiding.~~Louis sat down next to Perrie, never being one to hold a grudge and whilst he leaned over to get the bottle, he laid Harry against him so they were tummy to tummy. Harry took this moment to try and end his curiosity, stooping his head down and sticking his head under Louis' chest, so his head was resting against a pokey-out, bumpy thing. He had those bumpy-things too! Only, he had four whereas Louis only seemed to have two. Where were the other two? "Excuse me, mister" Louis shrieked quietly, jumping.Jade giggled and Perrie raised her eyebrows. "What do you think you're doing?" He tugged his shirt away from his body slightly in order to free Harry. The little curled his lips, no cushions under there. He'd have to check Perrie if she held him next, after all the woman is the one who he'd felt with the cushions. "Perhaps he wants some skin-to-skin with you? I used to do it with Jade all the time, until she started going to daycare and the kids corrupted her mind into thinking it was wrong for her to still be seeing mummy's boo-" Perrie got cut off by Louis."Yes, I understand" Louis smiled tightly, not wanting to corrupt his little boy's mind. Perrie sighed. "I mean, I just don't understand. Jesy and Jaymi do skin-to skin with George all the time! Even El and Stan do it sometimes, and Stan's older than Jade! I suppose I just miss my little girl being so little." Perrie suggested leaving Louis confused. "Why let her grow up, then?" he inquired.He didn't plan on letting Harry's headspace age increase anytime soon. "It just happened, I swear! But I do so miss it! Can I have another tiny hold of your little one, Lou? Please!" she begged. Groaning, Louis came up with a compromise. "Three minutes" before handing his baby over delicately, even going to the extent of setting up a timer. Let's just say the time was two minutes fifty rather than a full three.Whatever happened to feeding time and nap time, Louis will never know, but I guess what's the harm in letting his friend have a near enough three minute hold of his baby. "Oh he's adorable! Aren't you, yes you are!" Harry winkled his nose as the lady bobbed him on his nose. Perrie set Harry on her lap facing her, Harry having perfect view of Perrie's front, he can now satisfy his curiosity all he wants."He's adorable, I know I have said it enough times, but like he...." Perrie stopped when she felt someone tugging at her top, only to shriek when a hand touched her chest. "And I think that's your time up. Come here cheeky" Louis lifted Harry onto his lap, letting the woman fix herself up. "Don't mind him Perrie, I think he is just curious is all, maybe a little confused. That was naughty Harry, you shouldn't be looking in Auntie Perrie's top" Louis scolded, Harry replying by just laying himself against his daddies chest.Cushions or no cushions, Daddy's chest is comfier. "Now, let's give you that bottle" Louis murmured, letting the babe lie against the crook of his arm before sticking the nipple of the bottle in his mouth. Harry latched on happily, suckling mouthfuls of milk. Jade stomped over to her Uncle Lou, hoisting herself onto the couch before watching the baby curiously. "Can I feed him, now, please?" she questioned, never being one to beat around the bush, she frowned and pouted when Louis shook his head."Not right now, sweetheart. Hey now, don't pull that face at me! I've told Niall exactly the same thing. In the future, I promise you can give him a feed"Jade wasn't very satisfied with the answer and kicked her foot against the couch. Harry trembled as the couch shook, his face scrunched up ready to cry. Louis took away the bottle and tutted rubbing his baby's back, deciding an early burp wouldn't hurt him at all."Jade!" Perrie scolded. "Come to mummy, right now!" she ordered. The little girl just squeaked, however, crossing her arms in a bratty way. "If Uncle Louis tells you no then the answer is no. The couch isn't your's to kick. Harry is only a baby and so you have to be careful. Now if you knew better, you will sit in that corner for ten minutes" Perrie scolded, watching as her little marches over to the designated corner Perrie told her to go to."Sorry about that Lou, see what I mean when she can be good when she want's to be?" Perrie chuckled, checking on Harry who has been burped but nothing had come out and is now suckling from the bottle yet again, the boy tugging on his lashes tiredly.Louis nodded, smiling, kissing his tired baby boy. "I definitely see what you mean. Hopefully my baby won't be like that, although he's already been a moody bum for me these past few days" he chuckled, trying to give Harry some more milk before putting him down for his nap, however the little furrowed his eyebrows heading for his daddy's chest."Right, let's get you in your bassinet, mister sleepy-head" Louis crooned, laying the boy in his bassinet as Jade had pulled it next to the couch.Harry whimpered slightly, but otherwise went to sleep almost straight away. "Okay, Jadey, come out the corner and say sorry to mummy and Uncle Lou" Perrie called softly, careful not to wake the sleeping baby near her.Jade sheepishly strode out of the corner, placing herself between her mummy and uncle Lou while her head bowed to the ground. "Sorry uncle Lou, sorry mummy won't do it 'gain" Jade promised, but we all know how that is going to go."Your forgiven, now go play but be quiet as the baby is asleep" Perrie warned, knowing her little girl can be loud at times. Huffing, but quickly apologizing after getting a stern look from her mummy, the girl slid herself off of the couch and sauntered back over to her coloring book."Oh, Jade, I glanced at the picture that you drew Harry before, and it's definitely going in my fridge!" Louis grinned enthusiastically, making Jade blush from the praise, but she felt very happy. "Maybe you could do another one?"Louis suggested, the little girl jumping up and down."Yes, yes, Uncle Lou!" she squealed, but ducked when Perrie hushed her, whispering the same words again. Jade messed with her hands nervously. "Sorry mummy" Jade hugged her mummy before rushing back to her coloring book, finding a picture for Uncle Louis, claiming that she's going to find a picture of a dog as for some reason Jade though that Uncle Louis sometimes looked like a kicked puppy.Harry whined and withered in his bassinet a little while later. "Oh baby come here" Louis cooed as he lifted his little out of the bassinet, laying him on his chest. "Mummy 'ook! Baby is 'wake!" Jade announced, though shut up when Uncle Lou put a finger on his lips. Twenty minutes later Harry started to move around a lot and whine loudly.....he needed to go number two...again."Why's my baby so squirmy?" Louis wondered aloud, as Harry's face started to turn bright red, he understood right away. "Oh, I see." Perrie looked over at the boy, her attention having previously being on Jade, who is taking great care in making sure her coloring didn't go outside of the lines. "Is the little one okay?" she questioned, which got Jade to look up from her drawing. "Yeah, just needs to make a messy, I think" he claimed, Harry squirmed even more at the announcement.Now everybody knew what was going on! He whined when Louis tugged at the bottom of his vest, feeling the back of his nappy. "I'm just gonna take him into the bedroom for a bit. He isn't entirely comfortable using his nappy in-front of guests just yet. Heck, he was a nightmare for Zayn the other day!" Perrie nodded. "No worries, Lou. Go do what you have to. Jade, mummy's gonna go the toilet, now. Do you wanna come with me?"Jade sheepishly shook her head, and Perrie sighed. "Did you wee yourself?" the girl nodded, making her mummy just smile tightly at Louis before taking Jade's hand and leading her to the nearby bathroom.Perrie laid her little on the floor, finding it more important to change her little than her own toilet habits, after all she didn't want her baby girl to get a rash. "Maybe next time tell mummy that you need to go potty okay?" Perrie chuckled as she fastened another pull up on the girls waist.~In the bedroom Louis rubbed his baby's back to try and calm the boy down, but all Harry did was try and climb up his chest and scream. "Hey come on now, shh" Louis rocked the boy back and forth.No matter what he did though Louis couldn't make Harry stop crying or anything. "Let go of me, come on daddy is trying to help" Louis cooed laying Harry on his bed, rubbing a hand on the little's belly. Harry has never had trouble going before when he was on the streets, well there was a few incidents when he got sick and had diarrhea but still. Louis rubbed and rubbed, cooing at his baby, who seemed to be desperate to hold everything in. "No, no, sweetheart. You'll hurt yourself" he reprimanded lightly.Harry whimpered and looked up at his daddy, who simply smiled adoringly at him. After a particular hard strain was felt, the boy just let go, crying as he did so. "Oh, good boy, good boy. Such a good boy," Louis cooed, taking his hand off of Harry's tummy before leaning down to kiss him. He gently lifted Harry up, unsure if his tummy was still sore, his baby went for his chest right away. Louis cuddled him and kissed him for a few moments, but pulled the baby away sooner than Harry would have liked to lay him down on the changing table.Despite how much he loved cuddling his baby and hated hearing him cry, he did not want him to get a rash! Louis made quick work of changing his baby's nappy, not wanting his baby to be uncomfortable any longer as he knows that his little one hates doing messes in his nappy, but unfortunately nature has to take it's course sometime or another. "Right let's get you down stairs shall we? Auntie Perrie will want to know where you have got to huh?" Louis cooed finishing dressing the boy and lifting him up off of the bed.Louis secured Harry in his arms and left his room, heading downstairs."Did she go?" Louis questioned as he sat himself yet again on the sofa with Harry on his lap. "No, I had to change her. I have though warned her that you, yes you little misses needs to warn mummy when you need to go potty, haven't I?" Perrie pointed out to the little girl who is back to coloring in her book. Jade shrugged, her lip jutting out slightly. "Jus' an accident mummy. Gosh!" she whined, not too happy that her mummy was telling Uncle Lou about her accident!Jade hoped he wouldn't think of her as anything less than a big girl. Perrie cocked up an eyebrow. "Quit the attitude, little girl or mummy will put you back in nappies, just like baby Harry" At the warning, Jade shrunk back, muttering an apology and got back to coloring. Louis chuckled lightly, patting Harry's bum. "Yes, like baby Harry" he murmured, putting emphasis on the word 'baby'."So, where did you two get to then?" Perrie inquired, steering the conversation away from scolding her little girl, as she didn't want to embarrass her too much. Kissing his baby's hair, Louis shook his head fondly before looking up at Perrie. "A certain little boy didn't want to get his bum changed, tried to hold all his bad stuff inside" he explained, continuing to pat the boy's bum.Perrie tutted. "Oh, how naughty," she stated. "I'd put him over my knee after cleaning him up. Can't be having it with disobedient babies" she shook her head as she said this. Sighing at the trembling of his baby boy, Louis expressed. "He's just a tiny baby, Perrie. He's too little for serious punishments, or any at all really" Perrie nodded, mumbling about bad parenting and whatever. "I'm sorry if you disagree but like I said, he's far too young. He will learn, like you said before it's a learning process" Louis mocked her voice, which Perrie turned her head at, how dare her friend mock her, but I guess she could never take a joke."Whatever, anyway I think it's time for us to go home. Jade baby girl, say goodbye to Harry and Uncle Lou" Jade pouted but one look at her mummy she immediately did as she was told, putting her pens back in the packet at fastening her velcro shoes on her feet. "Here's the picture, Uncle Lou. It's not completely finished but it's quite nice, in my 'pinion" the girl smiled, handing the paper over to her uncle.Louis grinned and took it, giving the girl a tiny kiss on her hair, before patting her back to send her over to her mummy. "Can we come back soon, mummy?" she inquired, loving the stay at her Uncle Louis's house. "Maybe, baby girl. Lou, if you need someone to keep an eye on the little cutie, just call us" Perrie offered, she may not have agreed with how Louis did his parenting, but she'd love more than anything to have some time alone with the little one.The woman loved tiny babies. Louis smiled tightly. "Will do, Pez" he promised, though that was a promise he wouldn't be sticking to any time soon!Once the two were gone, Louis decided to take a nap on the couch with his little one, laying the boy on his chest and rubbing his back softly. Within minutes, the two were fast asleep. Though about ten minutes later a knock on the door startled them both awake. "It's me, Lou." it was Zayn. "Come get Harry's car seat set up. We're going to Liam's!" Zayn excitedly stated bursting through the door.Louis groaned. Just when he was relaxing with his little boy.~(A/N) Hey guys, another update. I am loving this book so much, thanks @UNLIMITEDCOOKIEGIRL for wanting to co-write this with me! Next chapter is going to be so cute! If you have any ideas for previous chapters, then please comment down below!If you haven't already please go read my good old friend @ULTIMATECOOKIEGIRL books as they will make your day worth living for..seriously not one book of hers has let me down, I am just waiting for updates on a few!

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