Chapter 2

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Morning comes and for some reason I am waking up with a smile.

Images from last night comes rushing into my thoughts and i shut it down immediately.Even the thought of Jason drives me crazy.I can't believe I agreed to go out with him and tell him so much about my personal life.I'm so stupid i am so damn stupid.

I try so hard to get out of bed but honestly I don't want.My dad came home last night drunk as hell and started shit with my mom.I couldn't help myself but stay out of it the last thing I want to do is get involved because honestly I would fucken kill my dad."Morning Tamlin are you okay?",my mom says standing in the door way."I'm all good mom are you okay?", I say hoping it sounds believable.I can't help but notice a black ring underneath my mother's eye."Mom what the hell did that man do to you!",I can't help but yell."What the fuck is your problem shouting so god damn early in the morning!", says my drunken father."You have some nerve don't you",I push him against the wall.The bastarted slaps me across my face and my eyes immediately move towards the door where James is standing.I storm out the room pulling James along with me and rush towards the car.

"Tammie I'm scared", James say.I immediately pull along side the road and face towards him."Look  I promise you i will never ever let anything happen to you".His cheeks are red and eyes are watery.I slide back onto the road and head off to Flap Jacks house.Where you would find the best pancakes, waffles and obviously flap jacks."Are we going to eat here for breakfast?",James asks and i nod him informing a yes.

James ends up finishing his entire plate of pancakes which means he was really hungry.

"I think it would be best if we just do something today instead of being in that house...what do you say James?"I ask.

"Well it's a nice hot could www perhaps go to the beach or something?"he say in a soft and low tone.

"Why not,I would actually enjoy a day at the be honest James i could use a tan huh",I can't help but laugh.

"Me too...I mean I wouldn't mind getting a little sun burned", James say a shyly.

"Well then we better get on our way...go to the car so long I'll go a pay and the use the restroom",I say standing up.

"Okay Tammie don't take to long!",James basically screams while walking out.

After I finished paying the billand used the restroom i stormed off to the parking lot.James is sitting infront as if he had never gone to the beach before.We would have to go back home to get changed and grab our swimsuits.

"We just have to get a few things at home okay James",I say.

"Okay Tammie",he says with excitement in his voice.

When we pull into the driveway it seems very quite.As soon as I reach the door and open it the house is empty.I can't believe my mom left but okay I can understand why.James and i run up the stairs and he gets himself ready.I am not sure what to wear but i no for sure that I won't be wearing a dress.I decide on my deniem ripped shorts and vans and a floured red with white roses on it tucked into my shorts.I don't know if i should wear a two piece or my board shorts and second skin.My two piece is really nice and has these cute little butterflies on them.I decide on that and put them into my bag along with two towels.

"James come on I'm heading for the door!",I instruct.

"I'm on my way!",he shouts from his room.

When we reach the highway i tune in my phone and play my favourite song."Noooooo, please anything but this!",James begs.

"I love this song can you not?",I ask."Well maybe because its horrible and i hate it",James shoots a glare."How can you not like Maroon 5 James like that's not possible and Carbi B is like litteraly the best female rapper",I make my statement."I like Cardi B and Maroon 5 I just don't like this song",James defends."Oh just gonna have to deal with it",I state.

Whe we reach the parking lot of the beach its not as full as I expected.James and i get our things out and set off to find us a spot on the soft warm white sand.We find ourselves a descent spot under a pine tree and it provides enough shade at least.James runs off immediately to the bathroom to change into his swimsuit.When he finally comes out his wearing his navy blue board shorts...his slightly ash blond,brownish hair is shinning and the sunlight gives his baby blue eyes that extra shine.

"No!!!...that can't be who i think it is...that's not him!", I say out loud instead of thinking it."Who at you talking about?",James asks curiously but runs off before I can even open my mouth."Hey...Tamlin I didn't expect to see you here",a voice says and i blink rapidly.

I take in the appearance of a tall caramel skinned hottie standing infront of me.His hair is a dark brown and his deep blue eyes looks as if i am staring into the ocean."Tamlin...are you okay",Jason says

"Yes...I'm Okay",I barely manage to form a proper sentence.Jason have no t-shirt on and he is only wearing a board shorts. The board short compliments him perfectly.It's not to tight it kinda fits bagy on him but that's his style.His abs and six pack stand out as drops of water fall off him onto the warm sand.I can't help but stare at this perfect human being infront of me.I know its right and i shouldn't feel this way but there's just something about him.

Constant Thought Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora