Part 10

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It was a week later and you were now at the airport. It's easy to say that you were nervous, and Tom could tell.

Tom: "You okay Love?" There we go again.... 'Love'. You could never get used to that.
Y/n: "Y- Yeah- Yeah!!"
Tom: "Y/n...." He knew you weren't telling the truth.
Y/n: "I'm sorry... I'm just really nervous . . . . " You looked down at your hands, resting in your lap.
Tom: "Love, there's no reason for you to be nervous."
Y/n: "Oh really?? What if your family hates me, and kicks me out??" He dropped his head down a bit, and looked up at you.
Tom: "Really?" He said looking at you like 'come on'..
Y/n: "Ok I know they're not gonna kick me out but-
Tom: "But nothing!! Y/n they loved you as a kid. You were like their favorite child even though you weren't actually theirs!" This made you laugh.
Y/n: "I loved your family so much, you have no idea." You said with a smile.
Tom: "And I love you so much." He said booping your nose on 'you'.

They opened the door to the little walkway for our plane, allowing all the previous passengers to leave.

For some reason when boarding came, you and Tom walked through the hallway before anyone else. Along with the elders and the children flying by themselves of coarse.
We walked onto the plane and it was huge. It was really fancy too. You didn't really pay much attention before because you were too busy admiring Tom. Because, how could you not admire him 24/7??

You went to go right not thinking of it, because thats what you always do, but Tom had other plans.
Y/n: "Wait, where are we going??" You said as he pulled you to the left.
Tom: "You'll see..." He said with a smirk.
You were confused because you didn't see the whole left side of the plane. You were only in the middle when you entered.

There were like mini rooms with the chairs that turn into beds inside them.... You were shocked to say the least.

Y/n: "What is this?...." You said looking around.
Tom: "What do you think it is?" He said with an award winning smile.
Y/n: "You're so cute." You said pouting your bottom lip with a smile. "But- Uh- Tom, I cant afford this....."
Tom: "Love that's no problem, because I'm paying for everything."
Y/n: "WHAT??!? Tom no."
Tom: "Love it's alright, think of it as a Christmas present."
Y/n: "Fine. Thank you..." You pouted and looked at him with baby eyes.
Tom: "Gosh you're so cute." He said admiring you. "And you are very welcome." He smiled at you which made you blush. He's just so dang cute and hot at the same time. It's not fair.
Tom: "Oooooh is THE Y/n L/n blushing???" He gasped over dramatically, putting a hand on his heart, acting shocked. You rolled your eyes and he playfully pushed him.

The flight was quite long but it didn't feel like it, thanks to your perfect seat, and of coarse Tom.

Half way through the flight you got tired and decided to take nap. Before you could even close your eyes, the door opened and you saw a tired looking Tom, tiptoeing into your little room and shut the door behind him.

He crawled on top of you and laid down on his side next to you in your chair, his face in the crook of your neck, feeling your warmth radiate onto him. You turned on your side so you were face to face with each other, inches apart.
You kissed his nose then turned around so he was the big spoon, you snuggling up into him.

We woke up a few hours later and it was dark . . . Luckily he didn't leave, which made you happy. He sat up and you sat on his lap, laying against his chest, and watched the first Iron Man.

The plane finally landed and you were now at the baggage claim watching for our bags. All of a sudden you got tackled to the ground by a kid.

Paddy: "Y/NNNNN!!!!!!" Once you heard his voice you knew exactly who it was.
Y/n: "PADDY!!!!!!!!!" You were still on the floor, but you were hugging each other like it was life or death. You heard a cough and looked up to see Harry.
Y/n: "Hey Harry!!!!" You got up and gave him a hug.
Y/n: "Look at you! You're all grown up!!"
Harry: "Look at you! You're all hot!!!" This made the both of you burst out laughing.
Tom: "OI!" Tom said being defensive.
Harry: "WHAT??"
Tom: "Thats my best friend you're talking about!!"
Harry: "I don't care! I'm not wrong!!" You could tell Tom was pissed, but he couldn't say anything because you two haven't told anybody.
Harry then grabbed your bags and started walking to the car, leaving Tom to take his own. Him throwing his hands up in the air, making you laugh.

You finally got to their house, you opened the door and heard barking and got really excited. You couldn't wait to meet the cute little teddy bear.
Y/n: "TESSA!!!!!" She ran and jumped into your arms, tackling you to the ground, her tail wagging and hitting you while giving you loads of kisses. Tom walked through the door but Tessa didn't even look up.
Tom: "Hey!!" He threw his arms up because she didn't even care. He had to pull her off of you, just for her to even realize he was there.
Tom: "Now that's better!" He said once she started giving him all the love.
You heard two pairs of footsteps walking down the hallway.
Nikki: "Y/N?!?!" You chuckled, as she ran towards you and you gave her a big hug.
Y/n: "It's good to see you again Nikki. You have no idea how much I missed you."
Nikki: "You have no idea how much I missed you!!! It was so hard not being able to have girl talks with anyone. . ." She whispered in your ear and you laughed. Dom then came around the corner.
Dom: "Y/n??"
Y/n: "Yep!!" He gave you a big bear hug. You were so happy to be with everyone again.
Y/n: "Hey where's Sam??"
Harry: "He's with his new girlfriend."
Y/n: "OoOoh who??"
Tom: "Her names Elysia."
Y/n: "Oh cool! Well I hope to meet her."
Harry: "Hopefully, he might be too busy with his tongue down her throat to introduce you though." He laughed. "Love is so stupid..." He said as he walked away. 'What the hell is his problem??' you thought.

You all had an amazing dinner but you were tired so you decided to take a shower before heading to bed.

You were now in your bed, on your phone, about to go to sleep. When there was a knock a the door...

Y'all have no idea how long this took me to fix. Way too long, which sucks cause it's still crap.
And now its 10:40pm and i'm just now eating an actual meal for the first time today. I've been shaking for an hour smh. Honestly I need to sleep lol.

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