SMS Chapter 2

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sry for the lost time in updating, been a little sick lately, ENJOY!


"You're late, rock star." The club manager stared me down as I set down my Les Paul ((A/N) a beautiful guitar, google it!) "Zac, I swear one of these days, I'm-"

"Relax, Paul!" I interrupted. "I'm all ready to go on."

"You'd better be! You've got two minutes. Remember, six songs, NO ENCORES! You're not freakin Bon Jovi, no one likes you that much. Now go! You're on. " I grabbed my Les and sauntered on stage like I owned it, and the girls began to scream.


I ended up getting fired, completely smashed, and taking home two blondes as severance pay. But that was a week ago and now I was completely out of money, and had no job. Getting fired from one of the highest paying, most trafficked joints in the Big Apple didn't really do much for me, and drinking a bottle of Jack a day doesn't really help land jobs, go figure. So at noon that Sunday I headed over to my favorite café for some java, and spent my last five bucks on a canoli and a paper. I was looking at the classifieds when I saw her, bursting through the door, and I almost dropped my canoli. She was talking loudly into the phone, annoying everyone in the café as they turned and looked at her with disdain. She was extremely sexy, with long legs, full lips, tan, but not fake looking, and she had beautiful flowing blonde hair, but the obnoxious voice seemed to dull the effect. "Kat, he sneezed in his soup and then offered it to me, then asked me to sleep with him. It's so not happening!" Silence. "No, a boob job isn't worth sleeping with a nasty sneezer! Are you out of your bloody mind?" I got up, walked up behind her, grabbed her cell and snapped it shut. "I'm sorry madam, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to place you under a citizens arrest for noise pollution of a peaceful café. You'll have to come with me."


A/N- OOH DRAMA!!! Zac meets Allana! What will happen??? Stay tuned! I'll try to post again soon. Lovems you readers!

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