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I finished Spy School British Invasion! It was really good, but I've got to admit it wasn't my favorite. But it was still an amazing read! There was a few surprises that I did not expect. Since a few things were unexpected, it changes this story a little bit and my other one a lot, but they aren't
going to be affected by the new book.

I re-read this chapter and it was a little cringy but whatever please Enjoy!

I woke very groggy. Groaning, I tried to sit up and felt a sharp pain in my ribs and immediately fell back on the bed. Wait… a bed?

“Woah there. Sit back down. You're not strong enough to get up.” Startled, I looked around.

I was in some sort of a makeshift hospital, with about a dozen beds all line up. I had an IV stuck up my arm and was propped up in a bed. Next to me, a young nurse sat watching me.

“Wha… where's my teddy bear?” Uh! I shook my head violently. No one had to know I slept with a teddy bear. My mind wasn't mentally acute right now.

The nurse looked confused. “What?”

I turned red with embarrassment, “Nothing.” I said quickly.

She gave me a funny look. “Painkillers.” She mumbled under her breath.

“What are my symptoms?” I asked, my mind finally working properly.

“Two bruised ribs and a slightly dislocated jaw. What happened to you?” I didn't know if she was with SPYDER or not, so I played the safe card and just shrugged.

“Where am I?” I tried to change the subject.

“Well, I work for SPYDER and I'm a nurse/housekeeper. Whatever keeps Josh happy; he gives out the paychecks.” She gave a light laugh. I wasn't expecting an evil organization to hire such a seemingly kind hearted person.

She noticed my confused expression and smiled.

“Yeah, I know they do awful stuff, but I like helping people-good or bad. I was the one who fixed Joshua up and I believe it was you who sent him to that state. Now, I patched you up too!” she gave off this cheerful vibe.

For the first time, I noticed Erica on the other side of the room, leaning against the door frame. She was staring off into space, but glanced over at me. She looked embarrassed and looked away. Seeing her in the room verified that she was acting rash that other day, not entirely herself. Something I said pissed her off. But what? After she noticed I was awake, she left the room without saying anything.

The nurse followed my gaze, “Yep, Erica. She's been coming in and out, not really saying anything. But I could tell she was concerned about your progress. Didn't she turn to SPYDER and lure you in here? Was she the one who beat you up?”

I just nodded.

“Evil, betraying, slicky relationship problems? Yeah I can tell.” The nurse was surprisingly comforting and normal.

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