2 - The Magician and the Fledgling

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The cake is frosted.

The presents were laid out.

The birthday boy silently cries.

The boy cupped his hand over his mouth to muffle his cries, he uses the other to plug his nose to block out the pungent smell of iron wafting into the air. Peaking through the crack on the old, wooden cupboard, he could see his father slumped over in a puddle of blood, his mother not too far. There was a third figure inside the house.

"Yamato, get in! Listen to me and don't make a sound!"

He flinched at the loud slurping resonating around the room and bit his tongue to stop his cries. Today was Yamato's birthday, he woke up to the smell of his favorite breakfast being cooked, and his father took him outside to reveal a puppy, just for him. Everything was going like how he would imagine his thirteenth birthday.

Yamato was getting ready to leave the house when the family heard a loud yelp from the backyard where the puppy was being held. His father stood up to check, he cracked the door open for a split second before slamming it close. Everything after was a complete blur, only remembering being shoved into the kitchen cupboard.

The man (Could it be considered a man anymore?) dragged his tongue across the father's neck before sinking his teeth into the flesh. He drank like a parched man in a desert, he lifted his head before puking out the blood, after hacking up the rest of the blood, the man dips his head down to continue on the feed. Why would he drink blood if it makes him so sick?

Yamato made the mistake of putting to much pressure on his lip, breaking the skin and drawing blood. The man heads snapped towards his direction and ran straight at the cupboard with blinding speeds, he ripped the cupboard off the hinges and dragged Yamato out by his hair. The boy screams as a pair to fangs sunk into his shoulder. 

Was this it? Was he going to die in the hands of a psychopath? Yamato let out a choked sob, he wanted to live, to grow up into a man and to make his parents proud. As his vision starts to blur, the man unlatches from his shoulder, his ears were able to catch a loud commotion occurring near him. The last image he sees is a man wearing a black yukata and red eyes.

"...Abstinence...got away...one survivor"


Yamato fiddles with his sleeve as he watches the others from a distance, his eyes tinted with jealousy. They ran across the grassy fields, playfully shoving each other passing around harmless banter while Yamato watches from the window. He wanted to join them, but instead, he was stuck inside a stuffy building, in a small moment of curiosity and stupidity, he slowly stuck out his hand, reaching closer to the sun rays.

"What are you doing?"

Yamato shrieked and grabbed onto the windowsill for support, he whips around and gave the cackling man a murderous look, "Tsubakkyun, I could've fallen!"

The Servamp simply gave him a pat on the head, "You're fine. Anyway, you didn't answer my question, what were you doing?"

The subclass swatted his hand away and pouted, "I was just bored..." There wasn't much to do when you're stuck inside a building for half of the day, "I want to join the others"

Tsubaki sighed, "When you're body is strong enough to survive the sunlight"

Yamato groaned, "But it's going to take forever!" He whines, "Also it's the middle of summer, the days are longer!"

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