The words coming out from my mother's mouth made my breathing heavier, Nayeon's bunny-like smile suddenly appeared in front of me. It was unbelievably stupid how weak my legs got when I thought of her. It was unbelievably stupid, though, how I kept on thinking about her, her voice and her giggle. How weird or how much of a scaredy cat she is.

"The night of her birthday I somehow managed to make her let me in the house in which the ceremony was being held at,

 and attempted claiming front of her family and soon-to-be husband." she said, her gaze was traveling from my face to her hands, which were now resting on her lap. "Her family obviously didn't approve and was so mad that forced her into the 'White Room'." she stopped for a while "And it was all my fault. If I wasn't so naive to believe that someone would approve of us she wouldn't have to go through that." my mother let out, her voice was a bit shaky.

It was hard seeing my mother in such state but I was unable to do something. I didn't know what to say or what to do to make her feel better.

"But we are all over it by now, I hope." she spoke "After her admission to the rooms, my family introduced me to your father," my mother continued "They said that the sheriff's son, Haeun's fiancé, told your father's family about me." she finally looked up at me "It was the way of the sheriff to get payback for when I ruined his marriage." my mother said and sighed. 

My brain hurt. I didn't know how to feel. I practically knew everything, yet I felt as if I knew nothing.

"After my marriage to your father I never got to know what happened to her," the woman beside me spoke "I'm glad she is okay and has moved on." she bitterly smiled. 

"That's why the sheriff hates me so much

" I mumbled and she widened her eyes, alerted.

"He hates you?" 

And so, I told her about the night I got busted and threatened by him, the night I met his daughter and what had happened ever since. I poured my heart out to her and even told her about how I think I've been getting followed ever since that night.

"And what about aisle 14? Why was Nayeon's mother there?" I asked and she smiled.

"I loved photography, you know it. Haeun loved it too and we would often go snap some photos together. After losing her and getting married I was told I had to focus on being a mother, a house wife, so I stopped doing what I loved." my mother started "When we set up the store with your father I wanted to keep a part of my old self alive and decided that it was a good idea to sell supplies for cameras, frames and films just so that I can be reminded about the days I would bargain with owners of such stores for some film." she continued "Aisle 14 is a part of my past I wasn't forced to throw away, so I treasure it. Like November 14th, the day I met Haeun." my mother explained. 

"Isn't November 14th your—"

"Wedding day, yes." she replied "It was ironic and really hurt, but I had to do it."

Everything was happening too fast for me to comprehend. Whatever I just heard made me believe that meeting Nayeon wasn't a random incident, more like fate. It was like the universe wanted our different worlds to collide so we can continue from where our mothers left off.

"She's getting married, mom." I whined and she chuckled lowly. 

"That's why Minji says you're my clone," she said, remembering all the times my aunt would comment about me being just like my mother. "How does Jihyo even deal with her?" she laughed at her sister and niece and stood up, pulling me with her.

"What if the sheriff knows I hang out with Nayeon? That I..I made her sneak out and not listen to his orders?" I asked, starting to get worried.

The sheriff was capable of everything, he could blackmail everyone and hurt them with every way possible. What if ignoring him that night put Nayeon in danger?

"There is only one way to find out, Jeong-ah," my mother said and kissed my forehead "Please be careful. Don't hurt the girl like I did her mother." she added and walked to her bedroom, sighing.

Closing my eyes, I grabbed my jacket from the couch and rushed outside again. I was determined that meeting her was my fate and I had to go get her before anything bad would happen. 


AISLE 14 | 2YEONWhere stories live. Discover now