[23.] I Knew You Two Could Work It Out

Start from the beginning

Each night during my hour of sleep the dreams would become more vivid, more lively. She was always there and I could always touch her. But when I really tried to feel her, she was gone and I was awake.

Tomorrow, I would see her for the first time in a week. A week was not long but it was torturous. I knew that she wanted to talk, her voicemails told me that much. She refused to actually say anything in the messages, always saying that it had to be done in person.

So after a long night of tossing and turning, I finally drifted off to sleep. Her name on my lips and her lips on mine.


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LUDMILA WAS OUT to get me.

She thought that was was expertly playing matchmaker, but she was actually just ruining my life. We may be close, but she is like any sister: itching to embarrass her brother. I swore that I was going to kill her as soon as I saw her.

Francesca was right in front of me. There was a small smile playing on her lips as she shifted on her feet. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear before giving me a full blown grin, but I could see the nervousness in her eyes.

"Ludmila said that we would both be picking them up, as we are the two people she has been dying to see." Francesca shrugs. I saw that she wanted to say more, she felt like she needed to give a further explanation as to why she was at my apartment.

"I'll go get my coat," I say quickly. I grab my jacket and my keys.

"I'll drive."

I see now why offering to drive may not have been the smartest decision I have ever made. Francesca was utterly distracting. I was entranced by her effortless beauty and I found myself gripping my steering wheel much tighter than I should. She kept stealing glances at me which made me want to reach over to her. Almost kissing her had set fire to a million emotions that I could no longer control.

I had a feeling that she knew it.

We were late, of course. If I was not fast enough, Ludmila would definitely kill me first. The arrivals section was bustling with people by the time we got there, which was after I had purchased a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of wine and some chocolates.

"She said that we have to be in the front. She wants the whole movie effect," Francesca tells me and I roll my eyes.

We begin to push our way through the crowd, careful not to squash the flowers. It was incredibly difficult to try and move between people who were practically buzzing with excitement.

"Leon!" I spin my head around and begin to see Francesca starting to disappear in the crowd.

I instinctively reach out and grab her hand, firmly intertwining our fingers together. I ignore the feeling of my breath leaving my body and of the thrilling sensation in my hands. I pull her closer towards me, but before I can look at her face, I begin to pull us both towards the front. Finally seeing the entry foyer for the arrivals brings a sigh of relief to my lips.

Francesca says something softly, but due to the masses of people, I don't quite hear her. I lean forward until her lips are close to my ear. When I felt the soft brush of air of her breath, I immediately regretted my decision.

"Thank you," She breathes, and I feel each syllable.

I lean back slightly and study her face. Her eyes were looking straight into mine and I could feel the intensity of it burn my face.


"Well I know the congratulations are supposed to go me, given my newlywed status, but congratulations to you too! I knew you two could work it out."

I pull away quickly and see Ludmila standing with her hands on her hips as she looks at us clearly amused. I gape at her. She directs her gaze away from our faces and I glance down.

We were still holding hands.

We quickly drop our hands and Ludmila raises an eyebrow. Diego gave me a sympathetic look over Ludmila's shoulder.

"What? Is it supposed to be a secret? I am pretty sure half the people at the wedding had bet on the  two of you fucking it out that night," Ludmila says nonchalantly.

"No!" Francesca pales. "I am still very much with Tomas. We were just...um...holding hands because of the crowd."

Fuck, Tomas.

Why did I always seem to forget about him?

"Oh." Ludmila grimaces and sends me an apologetic look. Francesca takes a step away from me and Diego just continues to stand there in sympathetic silence.

"So how was the honeymoon, then?"

I have to admit, I like pining!Leon

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I have to admit, I like pining!Leon. There is something about the desperation. More of a filler chapter. It basically shows how much that almost kiss meant to Leon, and how domestic the two of them are.

I tried to make the whole scene 'realistic'. Like plausible. But it probably isn't. Nothing in fanfiction ever is, anyway.

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