Chapter One: i promised.

Start from the beginning

The two had taken a break from their busy meet up, they now sat outside a lovely café called 'RoseMary's', Xavier and Casper used to visit this place every week; it was special for them. The café always smelled strongly of vanilla, whiffs of this scent fell out of the main building allowing a comfortable, homie vibe to follow you, inside or out. It was simply designed, cream colours and white paintings, along with some vibrant green plants.

Licking his lips, cherry ice cream covering them, causing it to seem as if he wore bright red lipstick, the old friend began to ask. "So, Adrain and's it been going?" Xavier stumbled, poking his ice cream tentatively.

Glancing at the other, Casper smile and giggled light-heartedly. "Xavy," He began. "I love him and he loves me. That's all that matters. You don't need to worry about us," The blond stated swiftly as if it was practiced.

"Cassie," Xavier groaned. "You know I worry...He's violent, unpredictable. I-" He went to continue, to plead his friend for answers, but he was cut short by Casper.

"That was one time," He hissed in his lover's defence. "You got him angry. You were being a meanie, of course, Adri got mad...It's not his fault Xavy," Casper huffed his response.

"That's-" The other attempted to explain. "I- Just- You- K-" Xavier decided to stop. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his thick, jell filled hair. "I just wanna protect you...I promised..." He mumbled softly. Not being able to meet Casper's eyes, he glanced away into the street. Cars, bikes, and people all passed by minding their own business. No windows concealed this unknown interaction, the people passed sometimes making eye contact with Xavier, which was frankly quite awkward. Some were couples; sweaty hands clamped together, lovey-dovey grins, and suggesting eyes.

Licking his lips, the dark-haired friend sighed and glanced at the table, splatters of chocolate and cherry ice cream covered it. Xavier didn't want to look his friend in the eyes. He'd never approved of Casper's and Adrian's relationship and still didn't. It wasn't healthy, it was quite evident by Casper's makeup covered face. But what could this childhood friend do? He'd already confronted both parties about this toxic situation, warned both with logic and understanding, but that didn't do anything. Actually, on second thought, it did do something. Gained a few more shattered plates and tears. Along with fake smiles from Casper.

"I know you do," Casper replied swiftly, his loveable smile shining as bright as ever.

"Do you really, Cassie? Because sometimes it doesn't seem like it..."  With that the conversation ended; cold, static, and delicate as ever.


"Ha! I won," Casper grinned victoriously, his petite hands resting on his thin hips. "Take that, Xavy!" The honey-blond acted as if he'd just won WWI, he pranced about smiling dorkishly and pumping his fist into the air like Mario.

Laughing with a shake of the head, Xavier slowly got up from the ground. A blue, white, and yellow volleyball rolling around on the ground. "I don't understand how someone as short as yourself can play volleyball so well," He grumbled.

"Agility, effort, and practice. Oh, and five foot six isn't bad!" Hissing the last part playfully, Casper picked up the ball once more and looked at his taller friend. "What'd ya' say? Another round?" He offered cockily.

"I'd love to," Xavier hummed walking towards Casper. "But you sure your five hours isn't up yet? It's..." Pulling his phone he checked the time. "...eight forty-two,"

Dropping the ball, the honey-blond's eyes widened in fear, however, he quickly looked towards the gym doors. "Yeah," He squeaked out. "I should've left quite a while ago..."    "Want me to drive you?" Xavier offered.

"Please?" With that, the two rushed out of the gym.


The ride back was an uncomfortable one, which was rare. The two were never awkward around each other, it was just that kind of trust. A bond, an unbreakable bond. But at that moment the forbidden topic was on the table. One that caused discomfort, lies, distrust. Three, or more, things that were the very opposite of what the friendship was based upon. 

The clicking of Xavier shifting his car to parked almost scared Casper, just like his cartoon counterpart, the boy was ghostly pale, his green eyes glancing around frantically. "Thanks," The honey-blond smiled weakly. "The bus would've taken forever, and it's a little cold out,"

"You know that you if ever need anything, you just ask," In his husky voice, Xaiver laughed and unlocked the doors. The laugh was forced, it was clear to both of them. Still, it comforted Casper; his friend comforted him in general.

"I know," He answered half heartily. Giving one last fake smile, he rushed out of the car and towards the house. A house that Xavier wished Casper hated, rather than called home.


Hey there! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's been in the making for quite some time now. Lol, I forced my friend to listen to me read this like ten times. Anyways, please vote or comment on your thoughts!!

Love ya', My Rays Of Sunshine! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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