Tony Needs Peter

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All of the Avengers were together in the tower. Everything has been settled after their latest war and they realized they just needed to stay together. Back to the present, a few members were just hanging around the living room. Tony walked into the kitchen to grab another cup of coffee. When he walked back in he saw Natasha kick Clint in the stomach before he looked down at is phone with a smirk. Clint groaned and held his stomach.
"I don't feel so good." Everyone's gaze turned to Tony as they heard glass shatter. They looked at him and their eyes widened as they saw the panic in his. He didn't move for a while until he slid down the wall, almost falling to the ground. Clint, Steve, Natasha, and Sam run up to Tony and try to calm him down.
"Friday, get Rhodey in here." The AI didn't respond, but they knew she was doing what they asked. Not even two minutes later, the elevator opened and Rhodey rushed in. He knelt next to Tony.
"What happened?"
"We were just messing around and then Clint said he didn't feel too good and then Tony just... started to panic." Rhodey sighed again and grabbed Tony's shoulders.
"Tones, you gotta look at me. Everything's fine." That didn't get Tony's attention. He just kept whispering no as his eyes were blank. The others looked on in fear, not knowing what to do.
"Friday, tell Happy to get Peter out of school. Now." The teams confusion grew, but they didn't question it yet. They saw Tony's eyes focus a little more at that sentence.
"Peter...Here?" His voice sounded wrecked and the team never thought Tony could be like this. Rhodey shook his head.
"Not yet. Peters on his way." Tony's eyes became unfocused again. Less then ten minutes pass when the elevator opens again. They see a boy who couldn't be older than sixteen walk in. Steve was about to ask what he was doing here until he saw the relief on Rhodeys face.
"Thank god Pete. You know what to do." Peter just nodded at him before he grabbed Tony's hands in his own.
"Hey Tony. It's Peter. Underoos. I'm okay. We're okay. I'm right here with you. Keep breathing Tony. You're okay." The five teammates watched as Tony began to calm down. He tightened his grip on Peters hands.
"I'm sorry Peter. I couldn't save you." Peter shook his head and moved one of his hands to Tony's hair.
"You did save me Tony. I'm right here. I'm with you in the tower." Tony took a deep breathe before leaning into the kids touch. Peter pulled the other hand away before wrapping Tony in a hug. Rhodey ushered the team out as the other two sat on the floor. They entered the elevator and some of the questions started.
"Who was that kid?"
"Peter. You may know him as Spider-Man. He saved all the tech from the Vulture dude. Ever since then Tony pretty much treats him like his kid." It was quiet for a minute before Steve's soft whisper broke the silence.
"What caused the panic attack?" Rhodey sighed and put his hands in his pockets.
"During the infinity war, Peter and Tony were on titan together. They almost got him, but something happened. And then the snap happened a few minutes later. Peter turned to dust in Tony's arms. He felt his death unlike everyone else." The others winced and Rhodey continued his story. "He told his he didn't feel to good and how something was happening and he didn't want to go. He begged Tony to save him. Then, before he turned to dust, he apologized because he knew Tony would blame himself." The team just looked at each other in shock. Clint cleared his throat.
"Is peter always the one to help after panic attacks?" Rhodey gave a soft smile.
"Yeah. It works the other way around too. Tony needs Peter, but Peter also needs Tony."

A/N: Theres a Christmas movie playing and it's not even close to Christmas. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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