#5 - Confessions

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Confessing to one's crush can be a struggle, to say the least. No one wants to be rejected and no one wants to be hurt or embarrassed, so I've tried to come up with some tips to help you out. They might work, they might not, I haven't actually tested all of them out so please don't attack me (I know I say that a lot lol).

In the following articles, I will address the following ways of how you can confess to your crush:

-in person
-on text/social media
-getting your friend(s) to do it for you
-with a letter (anonymous or not)

These are just some ideas, but if you have any other methods you want to try then you can go for it.

Confessing in person

If you decide to do this, you have great respect from me because you are very brave for doing what can be very hard for some people and I wish the best of luck to you. 

This is one of the hardest ways of doing this, which is why people use other methods to try and avoid it, but many people do use it and I will try and help you to see how you can do it.

Practice makes perfect. Try practicing what you're going to say during the real thing in front of a friend or the mirror. It will help you to be able to visualize how this might work and keep you calm since you're doing it in front of someone/something you feel comfortable with. Practicing in front of a friend can be good if you want advice on how to improve it and practicing in front of an object can be good if you want silence and it might help you to contain your nervousness. Both are good choices, it really depends on your personal preference.

Say exactly what you feel. Some people are straightforward about it so they can avoid creeping the person out, but if you say exactly what you feel then you can unleash everything you've wanted to say for a long time and really let the other person see what's going on in your head, or your heart, really. This can make things a bit awkward, but so can just being uncomfortably blunt about it. The thing you have to watch out for, though, is what kind of person your crush is. If they're the type to make fun of you post confessing your true feelings for them, then I'd recommend being straightforward, but not too blunt.

Bring along a friend or two if it makes you feel better. If I were to ever confess to my crush, I'd definitely want a few of my best friends there for moral support. Your friends can be there for you in case you get nervous and perhaps help calm you down. And if your crush doesn't handle your confession well, your friends have always got your back in case things go too far. For some people, bringing their friends makes things worse, and if that's the case, do it with someone else you trust or just on your own. Any way that makes you comfortable is the best way.

Confessing on text/social media

This can be something that can make it easier, but you have to be careful of what you're typing.

Send your friends (or someone else you trust) practice texts before you send one to your crush. That way, your friends can help you improve and you can check things over a few times. If you don't want to ask someone else for help, you can always write it down on a piece of paper or something to practice and make edits.


When you're writing a letter/text, make sure you edit it MULTIPLE TIMES. Sometimes, the other person can take things the wrong way and perceive it differently than you intended. Make sure it is comprehensible and that no one will misinterpret your writing.

Getting a friend to do it for you

This makes things simple, but can make things complicated if you're not careful, so keep a few things in mind. This is actually lowkey my favourite way of confessing 😆.

Firstly, get a friend that you trust with your life. If you pick someone non-trustworthy, things could get ugly. Make sure the friend you choose knows exactly what to say beforehand and has practiced it a few times.

Personal Story:
*If you don't want to read this, that's perfectly fine. I just wrote this as a personal example.*

Back in the sixth grade, one of my best friends liked this guy whom I absolutely despised. Though, I thought it was kind of funny and I teased her a lot for it. We used to text a lot and while we were texting, I always urged her to confess to the guy. I didn't peer pressure or anything like that, I just told her it might be a good idea because it looked like he liked her back. She was really scared so I asked, "do you want me to just do it?" At first she said no, but after I asked her a few more times she finally gave in. A few days later, at the end of the day while the guy was at his locker, me and one of our other friends went up to him and first made him promise to never tell anyone, it was tricky but he promised, and then we told him that our friend liked him. He pretended to kill himself out of shock and then my friend and I just ran. I texted my friend what happened, and she asked if he liked her back. Unfortunately, being the genius I am, I forgot to ask him that so the same friend that had helped my friend confess with me and I went to the guy at his locker again and asked him if he liked her back and he said no. I texted my friend what happened and she was kind of upset, but she didn't feel too dejected which was good. After a while, she got over it and she lives happily now and she almost never talked to that guy again.

Hopefully, that story gave you some insight on your friends confessing for you, if not I apologize for rambling.

Confessing with a letter

This can be a good idea, depending on what your situation is.

Anonymity: yes or no?

This is entirely up to you. If you want to get it over with and let out all that you've been hiding, I'd say keep it real. If they don't handle it well, it's okay, you'll get over them and trust me, your soulmate is out there waiting for you.

If you'd rather say what you've been meaning to without getting embarrassed, keep it anonymous. You can reveal yourself later and see what your crush thinks about that. Some people think that secret admirers are cute so they might appreciate it. Others may find it annoying, so it really depends on what kind of person they are.

Just like with texting, MAKE SURE YOU EDIT WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO SAY. Grammar helps since they'll be able to fully comprehend what you're saying. Maybe get someone to proofread it for you. If you don't have anyone that can edit it for you, you can always come to me and just message me.


I really hope these helped you guys and I apologize if not. If you use any of these, feel free to let me know how it went (if you want to). Stay amazing! 💜


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