#1 - Crush Basics

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In this first chapter, we will discuss the basics of a crush (how it starts, how to know if you have one, etc). Now, this is mostly from personal experience and some inference and it may not apply to everyone, so please don't attack me if it didn't! 😅

How to know that you have a crush

Believe it or not, this can be a struggle for some people. It isn't always simple to understand whether or not you have feelings for someone.

Again, this may not be true for everyone.

Here are some ways you might be able to tell if you have a crush on someone:

-you always want to be around that person
-you find yourself staring at them occasionally (or maybe not so occasionally)
-you find yourself attempting to show off when they're around to try and impress them
-you find yourself changing the way you act sometimes for them
-you enjoy spending time with them and miss them when they're not around*
-you strongly admire their features (eyes, hair, face, body, lips, etc.)**
-you always feel like talking and/or being around them constantly
-they are constantly on your mind
-you want to get close to them (sometimes it can just be in a friend way)
-if they touch you (on accident or maybe not ((sometimes it can be like a tap or accidental brush))), it makes you feel really good, flustered, or you want them to do it again (idk)
-you think it's cute and/or get flustered when people ship you (this varies on the people and who your crush is)

*this may not be the case if you're close to that person (they might just be a good friend and you enjoy their company)

**this can be just a general thing and you might just like their features in a platonic way

How a crush starts

This varies on who your crush is and who you are, so this stuff may not help you and/or be true for you at all.

Most of this is the same as the above article (finding out if you have feelings or someone):

-you like a certain (or more) feature(s) of theirs (physical features, personality, etc.)
-you want to be around them and get to know them

Telling others (or not)

Now, this is different for everyone. Some people are very shy and some people are very outgoing. Some people tell their close friends, parents, or someone else that's close to them about their crush, others tell many people, and some tell no one.

If you are a popular person, I'd recommend either telling no one or telling one or two close friends. If you're popular and you care about how others see you, then I would suggest not telling anyone, because it may or may not taint the image you have going on. Plus, if you tell someone, the news will spread like wildfire and some rumours may be created. If you don't care, then I'd suggest telling one or two of your closest friends who you'd trust with your life and have got your back. That way, you can vent your feelings to someone and still keep it a secret from most people.

If you are shy, then I'd suggest telling one or maximum two friends. If your friends enjoy teasing or bothering you or are very outgoing, then I'd suggest not telling them because they may just tell the person you like for you since you are a bit shy. If your friends are like that, but you know you can trust them, then I'd say it's okay to tell a few of them, as long as you feel comfortable. If you're friends are not like that, I'd still suggest only telling a few of them that you very much trust.

If you are not shy, the same goes for you. Tell only your close friends if you're afraid of letting the truth slip out. If you don't care if that person finds out, then you could tell pretty much anyone you want.

If you have no friends, and I'm not trying to make fun of anyone here, maybe try telling a family member you trust or just someone you trust in general, or sometimes even a pet, object even, etc. Sometimes it's good if you vent your feelings and sometimes it's not, and if that's the case then you can keep it to yourself.

Remember- you DO NOT have to follow my guidelines. I just put them there in case you needed some help or wanted advice. It's entirely up to you of who you tell. You can tell anyone you want no matter who you are as long as you're comfortable.

Now, these next few bits are about telling your crush.

Most people are shy, don't want to get rejected, or just don't feel like it, so they do not tell the person they like that they like them.

However, if you do want to tell them, here are a few ideas:

-ask someone to do it for you
-do it on text, email, etc.
-tell them calmly or even sometimes straightforwardly
-do it some place you feel comfortable
-bring a few friends for moral support

If you want some more in-depth advice about confessing to your crush, head to the chapter titled, "Confessions".


Those were just the basics. The more in-depth stuff will come in the other chapters. If you have any questions just comment and I'll reply as soon as I can! I'll wish you luck with your crush and stay lovely! 💜


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