Chapter 4 ~ Where are you!?

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“We need you here, NOW!!” The Ninja heard Lloyd yell into the intercom of the Bounty as he and Rumi ran to safety, far, far away.
“We're tracking you now!” Nya spoke back, slight concern in her voice.
“What do you think happened?” Jay asked the others, also sharing Nya's concern toward Lloyd.
“I don't know… but I hope he's ok…” Cole answered as Zane located Lloyds coordinations. “Ugh, where are you!?” He spoke under his breath.

“Harumi..., are you...ok?” Lloyd asked the former quiet one, between deep breaths, as there running came to a hult.
“Y...yea...I think...” Harumi replied, also gasping for air, as she bent down, hands on her knees.

The sky was seemingly getting darker the longer they stood there, the clouds also darkening. The only light they could make out was coming from the town at the other side of the ally way they had just fled from. There was a cold gust of wind that flew past them, followed by another, then another still. Harumi held onto Lloyd for warmth.
Drop, Drop, Drop. Rain.
“Awwww crap!” Lloyd exclaimed.
Harumi held her black leather jacket tighter around her cold body as Lloyds arms wrapped around her as well. She shivered slightly.


“Finally!” Lloyd breathed. The others had arrived. The sky was getting brighter and brighter, the sun rising from below the clouds and rooftops of shops and restaurants. The heavy rain turned into slight drizzle as the dark clouds cleared and parted.
A rope was lowered and Lloyd and Rumi grabbed onto it and held on as they were lifted from the ground into the air and onto the Destiny's Bounty.

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